16. Hacking the Meyers?

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''What makes you kiss a boy?'' I ask Avril as soon as I enter the living room.
She's watching a cartoon movie, 'Barbie and the Pauper' one.
I'm sick of this movie, she has watched it a hundred times!

Looking at that white wig guy reminds me of Olivia.
Weird, isn't it? A guy reminds me of her.
But she was imitating him a couple of weeks ago and that made me laugh.
She looked cute and funny.
Why am I thinking of her?

''What the hell are you saying right now? '' Avril asks interrupting my thoughts.
She gives me a weird look.
Oh yeah, I asked her a question. I know it's not an appropriate question to ask to your sister, but I need to know if I need to make Olivia lose.

''It's simple. What makes you kiss a boy?" I ask.
"And what makes you think I'll tell you?" she asks with a disgusted face.
Why is she so freaking annoying?

''Come on Avril, just help me out for once.'' I say.
"Is this one of your games when I tell you something and you use it against me the other day?" she asks bored.
''What? I never do that to you.'' I say and she raises her eyebrow, ''Okay, I always do that. But not this time I promise.''

She looks at me in suspicion and then smiles evilly.

''Aww, did a girl reject you?" she says making a sad face.
"Do you see this face?'' I say pointing at my face, '' No one could reject it.''
''She rolls her eyes before speaking, ''Then why do you need it?"
"Just tell me, will you?" I say annoyed by her interrogation.
"What will I have in return?" she asks smirking.

Man, how much I hate this sibling!

''My appreciation?'' I say and she looks at me in boredom.
"Try harder.'' she says.

I don't want to do it, but I will.
Look what I'm doing for you Olivia?

''I'll let you take my car.'' I say.
"Now we're talking.'' she says satisfied.
"Tell me now.''

She makes a thoughtful expression and then says, ''If the guy is handsome, I sure as hell would want to kiss him.''
I'm handsome and Olivia isn't kissing me.
Useless detail.

''Anything else?"
"Well, if I like him, of course I would want to kiss him.'' she says, and I roll my eyes.
"Except for liking him and all that shit!'' I say.
"Fine jeez! Why are you so worked up about it?" she asks.

Olivia doesn't like me. I know it.
But I still want to make her kiss me.
Because I'm attracted to her, and I can't stop it even if I wanted to.
And I need to make sure she's attracted to me too, because I can't be the only one.
It will be proved if she kisses me.

''Do you have any other useful information?" I ask my stupid twin.
"I don't know his lips maybe?" she says.
Lips? What lips?
"Explain.'' I say.

''If a guy has amazingly beautiful lips a girl wants to kiss them. To see if they kiss as amazingly as they look. We call them kissable lips.'' she explains, and I look at her in confusion.

Kissable what?

''Okay thanks.'' I say getting up.
She didn't help me at all.
"Don't forget the car.'' she calls behind me.
"Yeah, yeah, sure.'' I say.

In your dreams.

I go up to my room and look at myself in the mirror.
I sure as hell am handsome.
But kissable lips?
Do I have those?
How the hell do kissable lips look like?

For Christ's sake, I look like a teen girl checking herself out in the mirror!

''Are you gay?'' Luke says coming at my room.
''What? No, man. What makes you think that?" I say.

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