33. I needed you.

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I pace around the room as I read his message.

It was Joel all the time. All the damn time!
And the things I said to him...

I go to all our text messages, since the beginning and reread them with my heart at my hand.
It is so fucking obvious that it was him, how can I be so stupid?
The fact that he knew which my favorite song is, him knowing that I was locked on the basement and telling me that he was the only one who saw me.
He basically told me who he was, and I was too fucking dump to realize it!

I stop at one message and stare at it.
He doesn't hate you.

He doesn't hate me?
Joel told me this himself, I mean he said it through the unknown number.
But is it true? Does he really not hate me?

Do I really hate him?

Ugh, what is happening to me?

He's your enemy and he kissed Alexa.
I remind myself.

This is much better. 
And it hurts too.

I fall on my bed with a groan.

I knew it I shouldn't have texted back the unknown number.


''Morning people!" I sit on the table on the cafeteria with my classmates.
"Morning, queen!'' Justin gives me a pancake. ''I saved it only for you.''
''Aww, thank you.'' I smile and take a bite.

''Hey Olivia?" Ben sits next to me.
I look up at him, my smile still on my face.
"I... uh...I didn't get the opportunity to apologize to you on what happened at Andy's party. I'm really sorry. I... I shouldn't have done that.'' he says with a light blush on his cheek.

''It's okay.'' I smile at him.
''Am I forgiven?" he asks, and I nod.
''Phew!'' he hugs me.
I laugh as I wrap my arms around his neck, in a friendly way. 

Suddenly a chair is dragged making a loud noise.
I look up and find Joel sitting on the table, opposite of me.  

He crosses hiss arms and glares at Ben.

''Moring Len.'' he says and glares at Ben's arm around my shoulder.
''It's Ben.'' 
Joel rolls his eyes and sips his coffee, still glaring at Ben's arm.

''Well, our king Joel is here.'' Justin says. ''The queen and the king. Perfect match!"
He looks at us like a proud father.

The perfect match.

''Aww, you're calling me a queen Justin?" Alexa sits next to Joel and gives him a kiss on his cheek.
He smiles up at her.

I feel my blood boil from the sight in front of me.

''I was talking about Olivia.'' Justin says in disgust. ''You're the witch!''

I smirk.
She is indeed the witch.

Alexa gives Justin a poisonous look and touches Joel's arm. 
Get your claws away from him, you fucking witch!

Woah Olivia, chill girl!

''Are you jealous, miss Olivia?" Katrina whispers next to me and a chill run on my body.
She gives me the creeps, man!
''Of whom? Of course I'm not.'' I say.

''Of Joel. And of course you are.'' she says. ''You're looking at Alexa like you want to drown her on a bathtub and you look like you want to go there and claim Joel as yours.''
I let out a humorless laugh.

''I do not look like that! You're mistaken.'' I shrug off.
"I never do mistakes miss Olivia. I believe what I see.'' she says, and I stare at her.

''Do you know what else I see?" she asks, and I raise my eyebrow.
''I see that Joel looks like he wants to break Ben's arm off.'' she says, and I look at Ben's arm that is placed behind my chair.

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