7.Unexpected encounter.

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''I want them out of this school, principal Nova.'' I say.

This is the second day of the Cullens being in our school. And I can't stand another one minute watching their faces. It's been only two days of them here and they are acting like they own this place. The audacity!

''But I can't do that my sweet Olivia.'' principal Nova says and I give her a blank look.
"What do you mean you can't? Aren't you the principal of this school?'' I ask her.

"I am, but I'm not the owner of it. And the school has rules, I can't expel three students for absolutely no reason.'' she says.

"You're going to expel them because the daughter of Christian Meyer tells you so.'' I harden my voice.

 My father is the biggest sponsor of this school. The money he donates is bigger than the number of the students this school have. And when I tell you my father owns this school I'm not joking. Jeff Alonso might be the legal owner, but my father is the one who is making this school stand at its feet. And him allowing the Cullens to come to this school it's like stabbing my father in the back. 

I'm not being a spoiled girl or anything, but this has always been my school, my comfort place, and the Cullens coming now pretending to take everything from me...
They don't even know the school's best places yet.
Royal Academy is my home. They can't take it.

"I'm sorry Olivia. But I can't do anything.'' she says.

No, she's not sorry at all. She loves this situation.
Having one powerful businessman in your school is a good thing. But two of them?
This was her dream. She knows that my father and Adam Cullen are enemies. Every place they go turns into a competition. The competition means more money donated into the school.
More money donated means more money principal Nova wins.
This is a win for them and a loss to my father.

And I'll lose the school.
But that won't be that easy because the sweet Cullens don't know who I am.

''Look principal Nova, either expel them from this school or you're getting in some serious troubles.'' I glare at her.
"Are you threating me young lady?" she narrows her eyes.

"Consider it as a friendly advice.'' I say. '' Expel the Cullens and you won't have problems.''
"And what are you going to do?'' she says crossing her arms. I smirk.

"You don't want to make Christian Meyer's daughter sad right? You know how she is when one of his daughters gets sad." I look at my nails.

I hate bringing my father in the conversation. But it helps.
I look at her and her face fells.

"Do what I said, and my dad won't know."
"Get out right now, miss.'' she yells.

The best way to get someone to show his true colors is by making them mad.
I smirk "You'll regret it.''

"I said get out. Right now. Out.'' she yells her face red.
"I warned you.'' and with that I left. 

Ugh, I wanted to make principal Nova mad, but I ended up mad myself.
My phone vibrates and I take it out of my jacket's pocket.
It's a message from Lucy.

Second mom: Where are you?
Second mom: It's been twenty minutes since school ended, what are you doing?
Second mom: I'm waiting by the way.

I roll my eyes at her impatience.
I'm trying to save our school here, duh.

Suddenly someone grabbed me by the waist from behind, and I screamed. My scream came out muffled because that someone covered my mouth. 

What the heck? Am I being murdered?

I knew it that I should have learned those self-defense Lucy kept talking about!

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