12.The bet

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"Morning princess.'' a voice whispered behind me, and I flinched.

Shit that scared the bejesus out of me!

I turn and glare at the devil in front of me.

"You need to stop whispering behind my ear like some creep.'' I say.
"Why not? I like it when you get scared.'' he grins like a fucking maniac.

Remind me why I haven't killed him yet?
Because you can't go to jail.
Yeah, right.

I take my bag off my shoulder and drop it in the chair. Ugh, that shit is heavy as hell!
I raise my head and see that Joel is looking at me.

Looking at our surroundings and realize that we are alone. The others are probably outside or at the cafeteria waiting for the bell to ring. 

He stalks closer to me until his feet are touching mine.

I raise an eyebrow and he raises his back.

"What do you want?" I ask taking a step back, away from him.

I take a step back and he takes one ahead until my back meets my desk. Shit.

''Depends.'' he answers putting his hands at the sides of my desk, caging me.
What the hell does that mean?

I look at him in confusion and he looks at me with curiosity in his eyes.
I look at his eyes, drowning in their ocean. That deep blue hunts me everywhere.
I can look at his eyes forever, without getting bored.
How can someone have such beautiful eyes?

His gaze shifts from my eyes to my lips and I lick them. And suddenly I find myself looking at his lips too. He comes closer to me, his breath meeting mine.

Is he going to kiss me again?
And why do I kinda want him to?

"Are you going to kiss me again?" I whisper and his gaze shifts from my lips to my eyes.
"I'm waiting for you to do that.'' he whispers back, and I frown.

Why would he think that I'd kiss him?

''Why do you think that I'll kiss you?"
"I have a theory.''
"Which is?" I raise my eyebrow.

''I think that you're attracted to me too. Cuz I can't be the only one. So, if you kiss me that will prove my theory.'' he whispers.

I chuckle and put my arms around his neck, bringing my face closer to his.
"You're going to wait a lot.'' I say and push him away. Hard.
"Ouch.'' he says putting a hand at his heart.

I cross my arms and roll my eyes.

''You and that eye rolling.'' Joel says and I roll my eyes again.
If my eye rolling annoys him, I'm doing it more.

And there's when it hit me. Joel Cullen is attracted to me?

He said that he can't be the only one, so that means he's attracted to me.
"You're attracted to me?" I ask him and he stills.
"I didn't say that.'' he says.

"Yes, you did. You said that you can't be the only one.'' I say. ''You are attracted to me.''
"Maybe.'' he says sitting at my chair. He's giving up that fast?

"But you're attracted to me too.'' he says.
I laugh and put my hands at my desk lifting myself up, sitting on it.
"I'm so fucking not.'' I say.

It sounds like a lie even at my own goddamn ears.

"Yes, you are.''
"I like your way of thinking dreamy boy.'' I say.
"And like always my thoughts are true.'' he smirks.

The position we are now it's so weird, me at the desk and he at my chair, but I'm not backing up.

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