15.Romeo and Juliet

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''Stop worrying about it. I talked to him about it, and he said that he won't do those things to me.'' I say to Lucy.
''I still don't trust him.'' she says.
"I don't trust him either. But you shouldn't worry, I'll handle it.'' I don't know how I will handle it, but I'll try.
"Okay then.'' she sighs, '' I'm going to the library.

We separate, me heading to my classroom and she to the library.
Today we have literature with miss.Colgan on our first period.
I think we have a book talk.
How boring do you want this to be?

I walk into my classroom and the first thing my eyes saw was the devil himself.
Joel Cullen is sitting in his chair looking like a king.
Well, he doesn't have a throne. Sad much?

Like always my chair was pulled closer to his desk. The psychopath is obsessed with it and doesn't let go.
I don't fight with him for it anymore because I know my fighting won't lead me anywhere.
He still will drag the chair behind.

I sit on my desk and get my literature book out.
"Good morning princess.'' Joel whispers behind my ear and tingles erupt from my body.
He needs to stop doing this shit.
''Morning.'' I give him a sarcastic smile.

''Good morning class.'' the teacher comes in.
She fixes her things in the table and shows us a book.
"Today we're going to talk about 'Romeo and Juliet' from William Shakespeare. I asked you to read it. Did anyone complete the assignment?"

I didn't read the book. Lucy did.
Before you judge me, I'm not lazy, I just don't read. Those are two different things...kinda.
I'm not the reader in our family. That's Lucy's post.
And I Olivia Meyer don't steal my sister's post. Reading is her thing not mine.
You got the wrong sister if you're talking about a book.

I did read the two first pages though, but it was too damn boring, so I stopped.
Lucy told me the story.
So basically, Romeo and this girl Juliet are enemies. And they fell in love.
The irony.
Their families don't allow them to be together because they are enemies, and they hate each other.
But the worst part isn't this. The worst of all is that they both die in the end.
I cried when Lucy told me the story.
They died for what? Love?

''Is this that book where the enemies fell in love with each other?" Joel asks.
"Yes.'' teacher says smiling, '' So what do you all think about their love?''

"It's childish and stupid.'' I say and all turn to look at me.
"Why do you think so Olivia?'' miss Colgan asks.
"Because they just met each other, and they kissed and then they fell in love. Their love lasted like what five days? And after all they're enemies. It's ridiculous. '' I say.

''Their families were enemies, not them.'' Joel says.
"Does it make difference?'' I ask not turning around to face him.
"Yes.'' he answers.

''What do you think about their love, Joel?" the teacher asks him.
''I think that their love is pure and real. Even if it lasted just a couple of days, is more real than the love we have nowadays.'' he speaks.

''That's an amazing opinion.'' teacher smiles.
"Do you think their love was worthy?"

''Of course it wasn't. They got against their family for who? For their enemy. Stupid stuff.'' Avril says.
Impossible to say, but I agree with her.

''And they lost their lives. Nothing is worth more than your life.'' I say. ''They fought for nothing.''

''How can you call love nothing?" Joel asks and this time I turn to look at him.
"Because love doesn't exist. It's nothing. It's something that people talk and write about like an ideal feeling, while in reality it might not be that real and pure.'' I say.
''You're right on that.'' he says, and I raise my eyebrows.

Is Joel Cullen agreeing about something with me?
Is his ego sleeping?

''Love is such a high feeling that only purehearted people can feel. Love isn't a thing that bad people feel. Romeo and Juliet had a pure and a kind heart that's why they fell for each other. Their parents on the other hand had a poor heart. All they care about is power and only power. They don't even care about their children. Love doesn't have a place on their black heart.'' he says, and I look at him in awe.

Are those words coming from the devil himself?
He looks...hurt.
He looks like he's in pain.
But why?

''Do you think love exists, Joel?" the teacher asks him.
He thinks about it and then answers, ''Maybe it may exist. But it's hard to find in this society, where everyone is your enemy. Because are people the ones that make the love, not love itself.'' he says.
I have to agree, he hit the nail on the head with that one.

''I think that love exists. We just have to take our parents as an example, and we have the answer.'' Katrina says and Joel and Avril scoff.
"Parents." Joel says between his teeth, looking at his hands.

I study his expression and he really looks like he's hurt.
He's clenching his jaw and his eyes...his eyes tell a different a story.
That deep ocean of his eyes hides a lot of things.

''Yes, Katrina. Our parent's love shows us that love exists.'' teacher smiles.

I look at Joel and he's still looking at his hands.
He turns his head to look at me and I wish he didn't.
He looks so...broken.
I want to ask him what's wrong and he really looks like he needs a hug right now.

''Back to Romeo and Juliet. They were enemies, how does it affect their love?" the teacher asks.
''They weren't enemies. Their families were.'' Joel says rubbing the side of his nose.
"Which makes them enemies.'' I say.

They were enemies. If your family has an enemy, it's your enemy too.
Even if your best friend has an enemy, it makes it you enemy too.
That's how it works.

''Their family hating has nothing to do with their love.'' Joel says.
"It has to do a lot. Their love lost against the hate.'' I say.

He doesn't say anything.
Finally, I made him speechless.

''Their love lost because they didn't fight enough for it.'' he says.

"They didn't have time for fighting. It only lasted for five days.'' Justin laughs.

I ignore Justin's comment and ask Joel, '' So you're saying that they could have won if they fought enough?''
"Yes.'' he says without thinking. '' Hate is an easy feeling, love is hard.''

"Joel, you have some great ideas.'' teacher says and I roll my eyes.
"Let's continue to the next question. Do you think that hate can turn into love?"

''No. You can't love a person that you hate. It's like loving to drink poison. You can't love to drink the poison because it kills you. That what the enemy is.'' I say.

''Yes. Who knows maybe hate wasn't even there. Maybe it was just a self-defense feeling that people use to deny the other feeling which is love.'' Joel says completely ignoring my statement.

''So, you're saying that you can love your enemy?" I ask without thinking.
I wish I didn't say it.
He might think that I asked him if he would love me.
Ugh, dump me!

He looks at me in surprise and then answers, catching me of guard.
"I don't think I'm that purehearted to love someone and turn hate into love.''

Now it's my turn to look at him in surprise.
Joel Cullen who really are you?

The bell rings, signaling us the end of the class.
"Class ended. Thank you all for this wonderful talking. Goodbye.''' the teacher says getting out.

''What about you?" Joel asks and I look at him in confusion.
"About me what?" I ask.
"Do you think you can love your enemy?'' he asks.

I have no idea how to answer that.
Would I love my enemy? Or more exactly, would I love him?
Romeo and Juliet fell in love with each other even that they were enemies.
They say that love comes when you don't expect it and you can do nothing to stop it.
Would it happen to me too?
I never loved before...

''I don't know.'' I answer honestly.

Author's note.
Helloo readers :)
What do we think about this chapter?
I used all of my philosophic mind to write this...
Do you think that love exist? Who's right Joel or Olivia?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments ;)
Love you alwayss byeee.

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