31. Darkness

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''You haven't spoken since the party ended. Are you okay?" Lucy whispers as soon as we enter the house. It's late in the night, mom and dad would probably be asleep.
"Yeah, I'm fine.'' I respond. 

I can't get Joel Cullen off my mind.

''Hey girls.'' mom says wearing her pajamas, ''How was the party??''
''It was fire!'' I grin.

I know someone else who was fire tonight.
Shut up brain.

''Honey, are you hurt?'' mom asks, ''What's that on your collarbone?"

Oh shoot!

My hair is covering it, how the hell did she see it?

''Uh...I hit the door accidentally and it left a bruise.'' I burst. 
The door? Really? 
''Oh God, are you okay?" she asks worried.
''Yeah, don't worry. I'm going to sleep now, I'm really tired.'' I rush up the stairs.
"Goodnight!" mom shouts.

Did she realize that it was actually a hickey?
She was sleepy, so probably not.

Ugh, Joel Cullen you freak!

I lie on my bed and face the ceiling, which is decorated with stars and lights.
The blue paint of it reminds me of Joel's eyes.

Everything blue reminds me of him.

The memory of his lips on my neck comes in my mind and I groan.
I can still feel his hands on my hips and thighs, I can still feel the way he kissed my neck and face. 
He kissed every inch of my face except of my lips, he was really careful not to touch them. 

The lips are the forbidden place. 

But I wanted him to kiss me.
And I hate myself for it.

I hate myself that I almost kissed him. 


''I can't.'' he breaths out and my heart stops.  

He touches my face and tugs a strain of hair behind my ear, and I lean my head in his touch even that I don't want to do so.
He looks at me with curiosity and I drown on the ocean of his eyes.

I look at his lips, the beautiful full one that are like a magnet toward mine.
He stops breathing the moment I lean closer to him.

''Joel.''  Luke comes and I back away from him. 
He groans and lies flat on the ground.

''What are you doing?" Luke scolds and grabs him by the shoulders.

''Um...he is drunk. I found him here and wanted to help.'' I say.
"Thanks.'' Luke says and drags Joel to his feet.

''Princess.'' Joel looks at me, ''You're here too?"
"I was here.'' I frown.

''Come on, we have to go.'' Luke drops Joel's arm around his shoulder. 
''She's so beautiful, isn't she Luke?" he says.
"Yes, let's go now.''
''She's like a princess. The most beautiful one.'' he leans his head on Luke's shoulder. 

''Can you grab his things and bring them to the car?" Luke asks carrying Joel who is still talking about the beautiful girl.
I nod and grab Joel's jacket and phone.

Who is the beautiful girl?
Is it me? 

I shake my head at that thought.
It can't be me. He hates me. 

''She's my princess, Luke.'' Joel says as Luke pushes him in the back's seat of the car.
''Not that stupid Len's, mine.''

Len? Is he talking about Ben?

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