4.Who is that girl?

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Well, this party is hella huge! I didn't expect all this people to come. Some of them are my friends some Avril's, but I don't know who the hell the others are.

The house is bursting with loud noise, music and laughter. There are people inside and outside the house dancing and drinking. My parents aren't here so the house is ours for this couple of hours. This is going to be the best party in the history! It's a shame that I have to share it with my sister. 

I went down the stairs and everyone came to wish me ' happy birthday '. I didn't know most of them, but I smiled and thanked them. 

"Hey, bro." Luke, my brother called. "Enjoying the party?"
"It's awesome!" I say and hug him.

"Hey, me too.'' Avril, my twin called from the top of the stairs. I roll my eyes and Luke laughs.
"Come here, chipmunk.'' he says and hugs her. "You look beautiful.''
"Aww thank you!" she smiles. 

She's wearing a short red dress with red heels. With those heels she looks taller than me for Christ's sake! And I don't like how short that dress is.

"Stop judging me with your eyes.'' she says at me. I roll my eyes.
"I'm not judging you.'' I say.
"Of course you are. Anyways I don't care, my favorite brother says that I look pretty." she says with a mocking smile.

"He's only saying that not to break your feelings." I say.
"Oh yeah? Says the guy who's wearing black jeans and a black hoodie." she says with an eye roll.
"What's wrong with my outfit?" I ask in disbelief.
"Everything it's wrong with your outfit." she says.
"Oh, shut up. I'm wearing a cool thing. You're the one who's dressed like you're going to attend a royal party. You're even wearing a crown for Christ's sake!" I say pointing at the small crown at the top of her head.

"At least I look like a queen while you look like a homeless person." she says.
"A homeless person? Those clothes are worth thousands of dollars!" I say, and she rolls her eyes.

"Okay guys, enough.'' Luke says coming between us. " This is your party, enjoy it, don't fight.''
"This party it's so cool. The best birthday party ever!" Avril says exited.

"You know, you could stay upstairs at your room and play with toys.'' I say to her.
"This is my birthday too, asshole." she glares at me.

"Yeah, but I did all the talk with father." I say. It costed me a hella lot of things to get my father to say yes to this party.
"So?" she glares.

"Okay, you two need to shut up." Luke says. "This party it's for both of you, so stop fighting. You even got two cakes.''

Yeah, two unmatching birthday cakes. Mine black with chocolate, hers red with whatever it is. Her obsession with red makes me sick. Me and Avril are dangerously different from each other. I have blonde her, she has ginger hair. I have blue eyes; she has green eyes. I'm tall, she is short. My face is nothing like hers. I'm smart, she is dump. See? Completely different. I can't believe that we are twins. 

"Yeah but tell the genius over here.'' she says pointing at me.
"Okay, I'm going to enjoy my party. See you when it's over.'' I say.

"You mean our party?'' Avril glares.
"Whatever." I say and turn to leave.

"Joel,bro. Happy birthday man!" David, my friend says.
"Thanks man'' I say and hug him.

"This party it's fire!'' he laughs.
"I know, right?" I say.

"Do you-'' I was talking with David when I made eye contact with a brunette girl.

Holy shit, she's so beautiful! And hot too. She is wearing a short black dress with black heels. And oh God, how much I love that short dress!
She drops the eye contact when someone calls her, but I can't stop looking at her.

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