5.Our beloved Royal Academy!

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"Will you stop pacing around and tell me what happened?" Lucy says.

Oh, this is bad. This is so bad.

''Why God, why?" I cry hitting my head with my hands.

"Hey, stop.'' Lucy says grabbing my hands. "What's wrong?''  

"He kissed me!'' I cry out.
"Who?'' she asks confused.

"He kissed me in my fucking lips!" 

It was my first kiss damn it! How can he do that? I thought he was a nice boy. I thought that maybe our enemies weren't that bad. I was wrong. 
He is so bad. Why the hell did he kiss me?

''Olivia, who kissed you?"' Lucy asks.
"I was...I was lying in a bed...which came out to be his bed. And then, he came to that room which was his fucking room! And then...I panicked, so I pretended to be asleep. And then...then he...leans closer...and kisses me. In the lips!'' I say in panic.

"What are you saying right now?''
"Joel fucking Cullen kissed me!" I yell.
''What?" Lucy yells back.

I lie down in my bed and groan.

"Did you meet Joel Cullen?'' Lucy asks.

Oh shit. Now I'm fucked.

"Olivia. Did you meet Joel?'' she asks again in a firm tone.
"What? Olivia, we agreed we would stay away from them!" she says.
"I know, I'm sorry.'' I say.

"Okay let me think this straight." Lucy says biting her nails. "Why did our enemy kiss you?
''I think he didn't know who I was." I say.

Because he didn't know me, right? That's why he was so nice and caring...right?

"You didn't tell him your name, right?'' Lucy asks and I nod.
"Good. That's good.'' she says and then sighs. ''I told you that going to that party is a bad idea.'' 
''Okay, okay, you were right." I say rolling my eyes.

"Are you okay?'' she asks after a while. 

No, I'm not. I just got my first kiss from my enemy who doesn't even know who I am.

"Yeah, I'm good. After all, It's not like I'm meeting Joel Cullen tomorrow, right? I'll probably meet him after twenty years; it will be long forgotten. Not a big deal." I say.

It is a big deal because I can't forget about it. Or him.
I can't forget about the way his dimple popped on his cheek when he smiled. Or his ocean blue eyes looking at me with curiosity. Or the sound of his voice. Or the way his lips felt against mine...

"Are you sure?" lucy asks with worry. 


"A hundred percent.'' I smile and Lucy nods.
"It's that his?" she asks looking at the hoodie in my chair.
How the hell did I forget to take off his hoodie?

Because it was warm, and it smelled nice.
Shut up brain. 

"Yeah.'' I sigh, and she raises her eyebrow. I roll my eyes. "I was cold, and he gave it to me.''
"Aww, that's actually so nice of him.'' she says.
"Don't fall for it.'' I say.

 Cuz, I did. 

''Anyways, no more Joel Cullen. Will you sleep with me?'' I ask my sister.
"Yeah sure.'' she says.

One hour has passed and I'm still awake. 

The party, Joel, the kiss were all on my mind. I can't stop thinking about him.
Joel Cullen is the hottest guy my eyes have ever landed on. It's a crime for a boy to be that handsome. His blonde hair falling in his forehead, those ocean blue eyes, his full lips and his smile...his smile is so beautiful it almost ends me. And he is my enemy. Why is He my enemy?
Can't my enemy be someone ugly?

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