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"Can I get your number?" a girl asks me as soon as I get out of my car.

I just arrived at school with Avril.
Being in the same car with her is just hell.

''Later sweetheart.'' I wink to the girl.

''Oh wow, almost two weeks here and you're already famous.'' Avril says behind me.
"Don't get jealous.'' I smirk.

"Don't forget why father sent us here.'' she says, and my smirk fell. 

The conversation with father last night replayed on my mind.

''I know, you don't need to remind me.'' I speak, my playful mood gone.
''Wait, did father say something to you?" Avril asks.
"No.'' I lie walking ahead of her.

"Come on, you know how he is.'' she says trying to match my steps.
I don't say anything.

What's the point of talking about it?

''Good morning, princess.'' I say as soon as I sit down on my desk.

She doesn't respond me. I guess she's still mad about yesterday's conversation.
Come on I apologized to her. And I never do that shit.

Olivia fucking Meyer is the first person I said sorry to.

''No response?'' I ask.
"I told you to stay away from me.'' she turns.

''As if I give a fuck about that.'' I say and she narrows her eyes at me.

"Last warning, stay the fuck away from me.'' she glares at me.
"I like it when you get mad, princess.'' I grin.

"Don't call me that.'' she says.
"Don't call you what?" I act dump.
''My name is Olivia not princess.''
"And don't call me that. I don't like it.''

"Sure princess.'' I say and her glare burns a hole on my head.
"You're such a fucking maniac, narcissist, selfish asshole that goes around kissing girls just for fun!'' she says, and I laugh.
"All those compliments just for me? Aww thank you princess.'' I say.

"I fucking hate you.'' she makes a disgusted face.
"I hate you too.'' I blow her a kiss.
"Idiot.'' she murmurs and turns ahead.

Hey, did she move her desk forward again?

I reach for her chair with my feet and drag it backwards until it reached my desk.

"You're making me tired, princess. Stop moving the fucking chair.'' I whisper at her ear.
"Listen here you fucking-''

"Good morning class.'' the teacher came in before she could finish her sentence.

She glares at me and turns ahead dragging her desk closer to her.
Good, she learned that there is no point in arguing with me.
That desk will be closer to mine, end of discussion.

It's lunch break and I'm sitting at the cafeteria with my new friends.

Friends...it's weird to call them like that. I don't know their name yet.

I was about to sit at the place we stole from the Meyers, but this guy Justin dragged me here.
I have to admit they are kinda fun, I might get used to them.

Olivia is not here though, and she isn't at her usual place.
I hate it that my eyes are searching the room for her.

''Hi Joel.'' a girl said sitting beside me.

Oh, is that girl who gave me the seat behind Olivia. What was her name again?
Sabrina? Batrina? Blerina?
I don't know, but I'm sure it started with a B.

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