1.It was her idea!!

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"This is a shitty idea.''
"No it is not" I say "Now hold this." I give him my bag.

"It's our first day back to school and look what we're doing."Andy complaints.
"Oh shut up."I say.
"Lucy is going to kill us,you know that right?"
"She is not if she doesn't know." I narrow my eyes at him.
"I'm not telling her!!" he yells.
"Shh, they're going to find us" I whisper.

It's our first day back to ''Royal Academy" after three months of summer break. We are currently at the principal's office. Yeah shocker.
I sit on her desk and open her computer.

''Damn it! It has a password." I curse.
''Of course it would have. What now?" Andy asks.
"I' ll try to find it.''
"Good luck on that." he rolls his eyes and I give him a look which says, 'don't underestimate me.'

Hmmm, so what could principal Nova set as a password?
I type 1 2 3 4.
What? I should try my luck.

Wrong password. Please try again.

"Are you serious? One,two,three,four?" Andy asks annoyed. I laugh.
''Wait, I'll try her birthday.''I say.

I type her birthday and it says wrong.
"Ugh!" I groan.

"Let just go before we get caught." Andy says.
"I'm not a quiter." I say and he sighs.

"Try her husband's birthday." Andy says " It was three days ago.''
"Oh yeah, she filled her facebook's stories with pictures of him" I laugh.
I type the numbers and "I'm in!" I whisper yell.
"That's it.'' he says and high-fives me.
''Now,let's do this'' I say.
''Hell yeah''

I look through classes in principal's computer until I find Lucy's class.

Class 12A.

"Okay, let's put your name here.'' I say.
"You have to replace me with someone else so the number is the same" Andy says.
"Good point.'' I say " Let's replace you with this Teddy Jones."

I delete Teddy's name and add Andy's and then add Teddy in the Andy's class.
Very smart replacement.
"Done" I say.

"Good job, partner."
"Yo let's check who will be in my class." I say and type in the keyboard my class. Class 11A
Please God, don't let Alexa be in my class.
I look through the names.

Ben Carlsen
Sarah Williams
Justin Paterson
Sam Archer
Katrina Lindsey.

Oh God, Katrina freaks me out. She was in my class last year too!
Wendy Anderson
Alexa Sanabia

Oh, hell nah! Oh lord why?

"Alexa is in my class." I groan.
"Again?" Andy asks.
"Again" I scoff "I'm changing it. I can't stand another year with Alexa in my class'' she is my number one enemy.

"Anne dear, can you bring my coffee to my office pleace?Thank you." principal Nova's voice came through the door.

Me and Andy looked at each other and whispered "shit".

"Quick, get up" Andy says.

I got up from her desk, closed the computer and walked to the door. At the same time Andy reached for the door handle principal Nova came in.

"Hiiii, principal Nova" Andy and I cheered and she jumped.

"Oh God, you scared me." she says with a hand to her chest." What are you kids doing here?''
"We...uh...we came to say hello" I say.
"Hello?"she asks confused.
"Yes hello. Because we missed you." Andy says with a fake smile in his face.
" Awww,kids you are so sweet' she says and hugs us.

"Okay, we're leaving now principal Nova" I say trying to escape her hold.
"Okay. Goodbye dear" she says and let's go of us.

Thank God.

"Oh my God, I can't believe we just did that!" Andy says as soon we were out of her office.
"Yeah, I couldn't get Alexa out of my class though."I say sadly.
"We can go back again.Tell her that Mr. Harris is sleeping again and she'll go out running'' he laughs.
"No,no,it's okay" I laugh at the sight of principal Nova scolding a sleepy Mr.Harris.
"You know, if we told principal Nova to change our classes she would have done it, considering how much she loves us'' Andy says.
"Yeah,but this is the coolest way."I say.
"It suits us better." he winks.

"Lucy,Lucy,Lucy"Andy started yelling when he saw my sister.

"Shhhh, don't yell. What is it?" she asks.
"We're in the same classroom." he says.
''Wait, really? she asks surprised.

"But how? Your grades aren't that high, you-"
"Does it matter?" he interrupted her " We are going to be in the same classroom. You and me, the unstoppable duo." 

" Well, this is amazing!" my sister says, "Finally I won't be alone.''
'' I would never leave you alone ma cherie. You're my best friend.''he says and hugs her. 

"Hey, I'm right here too." I say.
"Come here." Lucy laughs and hugs me.

"This is impossible" someone yells " I can't be at class 12C. My grades are all As. There should be a mistake principal Nova.''
''Teddy love, I'm sure I putted you at class 12A.''

Oh shit.

''Merde." Andy curses.

I look at Lucy and she is glaring at us. Oh, this won't end good.
"What did you two do?" she asks glaring.
"Nothing" I laugh nervously.
"Why do you think we did something?" Andy asks.

"Because every time something bad happens, you two are behind it." she says.
"We didn't do anything '' I say defending myself. 

She glares and I glare back.

"ANDY" she says in a hard tone and turns to glare at him.

Oh, come on man!

"Uh...yeah?" he answers.
"Did you two do it?'' she asks.
"I'm going to ask you one more time. Did.You.Two.Do.It?" she asks and narrows her eyes at him.

"It was her idea!" he sang like a bird.

"What? Come on man!" I groan.
"Sorry Liv, but you know how much she scares me" he apologies.
"Traitor." I say.
"You two are in some serious troubles." Lucy says.

Author's note:

What do you guys think?
Olivia is born for troubles😵‍💫😂Poor Lucy😐
Also here's a meme:

What do you guys think?Olivia is born for troubles😵‍💫😂Poor Lucy😐Also here's a meme:

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I hate it when this happens...
Alright see ya in the next chapter😘

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