26. Detention

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Olivia didn't come to school today.

Katrina told me that she's still on the hospital.

Luke is not here either.

He's still on detention. 

I wish he was here. 

I can't bear to stay alone any longer.
My thoughts are killing me. 


She came to school today. 

It's morning, the day began and she's the sunshine. 

She's standing at school's front yard and I'm watching her from afar.
She's chatting with her friends and she's smiling.
Her smile makes her face shine.


 Her smile is so beautiful.
It's full of life. 

Her smile is what makes her Olivia.

I want to steal her smile and keep it forever.
I want to be the only one who gets to see her smile.
I want to hide it from others.

I want her to smile at me.

But a girl like her would never smile at the devil. 

''Olivia!'' Andy runs toward her and hugs her.
He spins her at the air, and she laughs.

She always laughs and smiles at him.
Her eyes always shine when she looks at him.

It makes my chest hurt and I have no right to feel this way. 

''If looks could kill, Andy would be six feet under.'' Luke says behind me.

I flinch at his voice.

His detention is over. He got out of his room today.
It was short because of school.

We talked about our little fight that night when I sneaked him breakfast today, and he apologized to me.

I frown at him, and he smirks.
"You're looking at Andy like you want to kill him.'' he says.
"Oh, really? I hadn't realized.'' I roll my eyes and he smiles.

''Olivia looks fine.'' he says looking at her.
"Yeah.'' I sigh.

My phone vibrates on my pocket.
I take it out and look at the message.

Royal Academy News: Your pretty girl is back!! Are you happy now? It broke my heart seeing you sad when she wasn't here. *Sad face emoji. *

I clench my phone hard at my hands.

This account has always sent me stupid texts.
It would be a lie if I'd say that it doesn't make me mad.
It frustrates me!
But it's good that isn't posting anything.

Because I gave him a secret.
The secret that only my family knows, and my father did everything to hide.
A secret that can destroy my life at any moment. 

I don't text it back like always.

''Let's head inside.'' I say to Luke and walk ahead of him. 


Olivia is walking toward us.

She looks furious. 

Me and Avril are sitting in the cafeteria waiting for the bell to ring. 

Andy is with her too. 

''Do you think she'll do something?"  Avril asks and I shrug, looking at her. 

Olivia will definitely do something. 


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