We lie there for a little while just cuddling and talking "baby?" "Yes my love?" "I'm starving" "oh you're starving are you my love I can't be having that what would you like to eat?" "Hmmm pizza?" "Of course why did I even ask?" "Because you're the sweetest" "no my love you're the sweetest, come on let's get some clothes on." We get ready and head downstairs "you hear that?" "Yeah stay here" "what? Chris!" "Stay here" "but.." "Leah stay here I mean it." I go downstairs and there is someone in the kitchen area so I sneak in "don't move" "WERWWWW calm down baby girl it's just us" "mum? What the fuck are yous doing?" "CHRIS WHATS GOING ON?" "ITS FINE YOU CAN COME DOWN ITS JUST OUR MOTHERS." Leah runs downstairs "I thought you were lying" "unfortunately not what the fuck are yous doing sneaking into our house?" "Well Christina we phoned our daughters loads and yous switched your phones off" "yeah because we didn't want to be disturbed we wanted time for us since you know everyone's been around since last week every night and Leah has 2 days off so we wanted them for us. Hold on how did yous get in here I locked the doors?" "I have a key but we were wor.." "werwwww back up 2 steps what do you mean you have a key? How?" "It's your spare one" "no, no it's not because that's in this cupboard" I go to the cupboard and the key is gone "I got it when you were unwell" "mum I love you but you are stepping wayyyy over the line here and I can't believe your going along with it Amanda" "we were worried about you sweetheart" "I get that but don't you think if something happened Leah would of rang yous, 2 days that's all we asked for" "seriously Chris what was so important yous couldn't answer your phones?" "You really want to know what we were up to? We were having.." Leah slams her hand over my mouth "a chill day that's all we haven't answered anyone Diane" I lick Leah's hand and she removes it "eww did you just lick my hand?" "Yep."

My dad walks in "hey kid" "you're in on this as well? I never thought you would do anything like this" "how come every time I'm in trouble with Chris is because of you Diane" "oh look right forgive me for caring about my daughter" "mum 2 days that's all we asked for" "ok fine 2 days" "well it's a bit late now your here can I have our key back please?" "Fine but would you like to tell us what yous were doing at the town hall with Emily and Alex today?" "Just sorting wedding stuff out how did yous know?" "There is a photo of yous" "of course." After talking for longer than I wanted they go home "I'm so sorry my love" "baby you have nothing to be sorry for" "you mean except from my mum breaking in" "my mum broke in as well I can't believe you were going to tell them we were having sex" "actually I think you'll find I was going to say mind blowing sex but anyways I've ordered our food anyways" "your the best." Leah gives me kiss and we go into the sitting room and put a movie on.

After 45 minutes Leah's pizza arrives "baby where's your food?" "I ordered Chinese it should be here soon" "why didn't you say?" "Because you wouldn't of got pizza if I did" "exactly" "so that's why I didn't say my love don't worry it will be here in 10 minutes" "ok I will wait then" "no you will not so you start eating now" "but.." "baby please mine will be here soon" "fine." My food finally arrives which I am very grateful for. Once I'm finished eating I want to go out "baby why don't we take Bella to the beach and have a nice walk?" "Yeah that sounds nice" "come on then my love let's get a coat on."

We go to the beach where we spend a couple of hours. When we get home we just spent the night cuddled up watching movies before going to bed. I wake up the next morning and Leah isn't in bed so I get up and go downstairs. "What you doing up so early my love?" "I'm just anxious about today" "what you anxious about my love?" "Well you have your solicitor coming" "yes my love but it's nothing bad my love I promise." We sort Bella out then have some breakfast before my solicitor arrives "Leah this is Harvey, Harvey this is my beautiful wife Leah" "it's nice to meet you Leah" "you too but what's going on?" "We just have some paperwork to sign" "let's go to sit down then." We go to the table and sit down "right my love I need you to sign some very important documents" "what documents are we talking about?" "Access to my finances and my will" "what? No! No way I'm not doing it" Leah gets up and walks away from the table so I follow her "Leah, Leah wait!" She turns around and is crying so I wipe them away "baby I need to know your going to be alright if something happens to me" "Chris I can't do this" "please baby I need you to be alright, please." I take Leah's hand and she nods so we go back into the kitchen. "Ok miss Williamson.." "Mrs Williamson Harvey don't forget that" "sorry Chris" "Mrs Williamson first off I need you to sign this, it will add you to Chris' accounts except the business one." Leah then signs the forms "and Chris I need you to sign it with your new signature for a change in name" "Okie doke." I sign the paperwork and we get handed our new cards "how have we got cards already?" "Baby this is not your normal tsb bank" "yes mrs Williamson all of our clients are on the higher end of a bank balance" "ohhh but will you call me Leah please" "of course, right so you have your bank cards and your new credit card Leah next we have Chris' will. It states that you get 100% of all assets go to you along with all money until you have children where they will get 25% of the money and any assets you want them to have on the condition that they are working and and they are 21" "that's a lot Chris are you sure you want that?" "Baby I do there is no one else I want it to go to" "I hate that I'm signing this" "Leah if last week taught us anything it's that life can be short."

After Leah signs everything including my life insurance policy Tony arrives right on time "Tony what you doing here?" "I was hoping you could tell me Leah" "not a clue." They come into the kitchen "Tony I'm glad you're here take a seat" "Chris what's going on?" "This is Harvey he is my solicitor he here ensuring all of our future." Now Tony and Leah are looking at me confused "so your Tony Bayliss?" "Yes I am" "ok brilliant so I have paperwork for you to sign also" "paperwork what paperwork?" "Tony you have put as much as yourself into the gym as what I have so I'm making you a partner" "your what?" Surprisingly that came out of Leah and not Tony he is just staring with his mouth open "30% of the business is yours all you have to do is sign the dotted line" "chr.. I.. er.. wh.." "Tony breath it's the very least you deserve mate so what do you say?" "Chris I can't this is your business" "yeah but it can be ours think of the future Claire could have. You could reduce your hours and see her more you would be financially secure." I finally convince Tony to sign the paperwork and we go through everything before he and Harvey leave. "Baby can I ask you something?" "Anything my love" "what's the limit on the credit card?" Leah has a cheeky smile on her face "who said there is one?" "There has to be" "no actually there doesn't now have we got any more questions?" "Why is there 3 cards?" "One is the main account the other is savings then credit" "you have savings on top of everything else?" "Yeah who knows what could happen?" "Nothing is going to happen baby. Chris I couldn't live without you please don't ever leave me." I wipe away Leah's tears "hey baby where has this come from?" "This whole day it's been in preparation for your death and that's not something I can think of" "I know and I'm so sorry I did this the day after we got married but baby I have this thing in my head and who knows what will happen with it" "stop talking like that please" "ok I'm sorry and to make it up to you I will take you anywhere you want to go my treat." Leah holds her new card up "actually baby I will pay." We both laugh before getting sorted and just spending the day together.

Leah and her soldierWhere stories live. Discover now