4 Years Later Prt-1

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Shaela's Sweet 16 😝  12am Vote ⭐️ comment below ⬇️, SHARE4MORE. FOLLOW4MORE
"HAPPY MOTHERFUCKIN SWEET SIXTEEN TO MY FINE SEXY ASS GIRLFRIENNNNNNNNDDDDDDDD!!!!!" Carina was jumping and screaming  "Happy birthday sexy face!" She kissed me on my lips "Thank you baby!" I smiled.  "I'm finally sixteen, damn it's been a long four years." I looked up at the night sky with tears in my eyes, Nobody knows how hard it was for me to make it this far, dealing with Diamond and her bullshit to fuck faces at school to the constant court cases between Diamond and my mom Shea. "Man I'm so happy!" I hugged my girl tightly, Carina is a real one, she stuck through with me even when I was in a deep depression "I know I say it every few days but thank you, Thank you for not giving up on me and sticking through with me at my lowest!" I kissed Carina "You're welcome my love, I'm never leaving you!" She laid her head on my shoulder. We were outside on the patio swing, Carina was on my lap at this point "Are you ready to open your present that I got you?" She asked excitedly  "Yes babe!" I smiled "Good because I'm ready for you to open it!" Carina went into her house and then came back out with a small black box "Here you go!" She smiled. "Thank you baby" I gave her a kiss before opening the gift  "WOWWWW!" I was in love with my gift, it was a locket necklace with a picture of us inside and on the front of the heart shaped locket was our initials, a tear fell from my eyes, I wasn't the type to cry but damn she really had my heart, I kept my promise just as she kept hers, we saved ourselves for each other. Our love was 𝓣rue and 𝓛oyal.  "I love you so so much!" I hugged and kissed her "I love you so so much more!" Her smile lit up the night.
Shea Wright
12am- Me:Happy 16th Bday baby girl Check your bank account 😉
12:03am-Shaela: Mom omg 😱 $16,000 ??? You are crazy, woman 🤣 Thank you so so much
12:03am-Me:You're welcome 😚 I'm going to sleep now lol
12:03am- Shaela:Goodnight mom, I love you and tell Amayah and the trips I love them too
12:04am-me: I will I love you too!
7am - "Come on big man it's time for school!" I woke Adonis up "Ughh why do I have to go to school?" He asked "For an education and socialization." I said "Do I really need to socialize with those people, they don't even listen to the teacher, almost everyone fools around and is talking about Roblox,Fortnite, girls and sexual stuff, showing off videos on Instagram and YouTube, please can I go to a different school?" "I'll see what I can do but you have to remember, The judge left Diamond in charge so I only could see you because Diamond is letting me see you." I sighed "Can't you go back to court?" Adonis asked "We've been to court so many times Son, I don't want to give up but these Judges don't see me as your parent, they only saw me as a foster mom or something but once you are sixteen you could get a job and get emancipated then you could live with me!" I handed Adonis his clothes and bath essentials. "Shower up, make sure you get behind them ears and wash your face." I winked "I will, I will!" Adonis went into the king sized bathroom to handle business before school. I went back into my bedroom where my now wife was laying down, 29 weeks pregnant with our triplets, We didn't know the genders because we wanted it to be a huge surprise "Hey beautiful!" I kissed her soft lips "Hey baby!" We shared a kiss and then I kissed her stomach "I love you all!" I kissed her and her stomach a second time "We love you too!" She smiled. The woman I married changed not only my life for the better but my children's lives as well, Shaela,Messiah and Adonis were really fond of Amayah-Gorgeous, she treated them like her own, she was very polite,kind, eager to talk to them, help them with anything and everything, I loved it so when I asked her again if she wanted kids with me she said yes, We were married first before any pregnancy, The sperm donor we chose is a Dominican man with curly dark hair, dark skin, he's 6 feet and has great features, No genetic issues. "Mmm they are kicking my butt!" Amayah rubbed her stomach "Not too much longer baby!" I placed my hand on her stomach to feel the babies move, I love feeling them kick,stretch,punch and move around, knowing they are alive and healthy is the best feeling ever after 2 miscarriages and 1 stillborn, We almost gave up after having the stillbirth of our 35 week gestation son but Amayah wanted to give it one more try, We now are having triplets which is a blessing, This pregnancy was definitely a roller coaster with many trips to the ER out of fear of losing our babies. "You okay?" I kissed her lips "I keep thinking of our angel babies, I miss them so much babe" Amayah was on the verge on tears "I know, it's okay to cry babe I'm right here!" I placed my arms around her back and just held her for a while. "I'm sorry for being so emotional, it's not fear to you!" She pulled away and wiped her tears but I pulled her back into me "There is nothing to be sorry about, We are married, we are one, Your emotions are mine just as mine are yours, We lost our babies but I am here for you, I'll catch every tear, I'll hold you for as long as you need and I'll be there for you no matter what." A tear fell from my eye as well, We missed our three babies, we knew their genders, gave them names and even bought baby clothes for them. Two sons and one daughter, We were so happy the first time and when we lost our baby at 13 weeks we didn't know what to do, our hearts were shattered. "What if I'm not a good mother to the triplets?" Amayah asked "Baby, baby!" I looked her in the eyes "You will be the best mother for our babies, you will be an amazing, caring, nurturing, loving, patient mother, We together will be the best and I promise you I'll be here no matter what, through thick and thin baby." I kissed her cheek "I love you!" She said "I love you!" I hugged her.
Diamond Aysher
"No, no don't touch that Shaniyah!" I smacked her hand "No!" She said "Yea, No is right, don't touch that Vase, it'll break. Shaniyah was a handful, she didn't listen for shit and I couldn't stand her little ass "Shaniyah if you touch it again ima smack you on your ass!" "NO!" She screamed "Then fucking stop!" I grabbed the Vase and put it on the mantle "Mommy!" Sincere called out "Yes?" I turned to look at him and he was on top the table "SINCERE GET DOWN NOW!" I ran over and grabbed him, once he was safely on the floor I smacked his butt, twice hard.
Sincere starting crying and I couldn't take it anymore "SHUT UP, SHUT UP SINCERE!" I picked him up, brought him to his room and closed the door, locking it from the outside "Gosh you kids are fucking annoying!" I grabbed a bottle of henny and poured a glass "I need help!" I started to cry "mommy!" Sincere called out "Mommy! Mommy!" He kept calling so I got up and grabbed Shaniyah putting her in the room with him, I couldn't deal with them right now, They both cried for an hour before finally stopping, I checked on them and they fell asleep on the floor holding each others hands "Ughh finally!" I closed and locked the door, I wasn't moving them because if I did they'd just wake up again and I'd probably kill them or myself (Not literally)
Me: Wya??
Dru: At work until 9pm
Me: I need some
Dru: weed or sex?
Me: Dru I'm serious, I need it
Dru: okay okay, I'll be there by 10/10:30 the latest.
Me: Dru just fucking tell them it's a family emergency, your white ass won't get fired
Dru: Diamond I don't think you need to be on that anymore, you're going to lose your kids
Me: Bitch don't tell me what I need and don't need, just bring it to me!
Dru: 👍 see you soon
Me: yep....
20 minutes later
*knock knock*
I opened the door for Dru, grabbed her arm and pulled her in "Are you going to tell someone, cuz your ass sure said a lot in that text talking about I'm going to get my kids taken away so you must be speaking to 12 to say some dumb shit like that?" I snatched the bag from her, unzipped it and took the drugs out "You know me Diamond, I would never snitch on you or anybody for that matter!" Dru said "Bitch you talk a lot, if I ever find out you snitched I'll kill you!" I popped the pills before grinding the weed nugs "Diamond stop calling me a bitch!" Dru was turning bright red like she was going to do something "Dru I'm not scared of you, I could easily handle your ass and even if I couldn't I have people that could." "Yea, like who? Jacques? He's fucking some white bitch named Pamela, Shaela doesn't give a fuck about you, Messiah is out doing his own thing with his girl and Shea, well... She's married and it isn't to you. I am all you have Diamond, I supply you for free so even if you thought you could *handle* me, I could destroy you!" Dru whispered in my ear "FUCK YOU!" I smacked her across the face but she just laughed in mine. "Where are the twins?" Dru asked "They fell asleep on the floor, why?" I lit the blunt "Diamond why are they locked in the room?" "Cuz they were on the table, touching the vase, almost got into my medication and kept opening and closing the cabinets so I put they ass in there and locked the door, not a big deal it's better than them getting hurt!" "Diamond their clothes are wet from their diapers!" Dru picked Shaniyah up "Come on sweetie, it's okay." "Where are the diapers?" "Don't have anymore, they should use the fucking potties Shaela bought and they wouldn't be sitting in shit and piss "Diamond they are toddlers, you have to sit them on their potty every 15 minutes, you have three older kids you should know this!" Dru shook her head "Man Dru, don't judge me!" I blew smoke out of my nose "Give them a bath, ima go get diapers!" I grabbed my keys and purse and left the house. I needed to get away from all the noise before I fucked Dru up.
Michael Carri
Look at Daddy's pretty lil ladies!" I hugged my daughters, Mariah was 5 years old and My'Ryann was 3 years old "Daddy can you make popsicles again?" Mariah asked "Yes daddy can make it, what kind do you want?" "Fut pwuch" My'Ryann said "Fruit punch coming right up!" I pulled out fruit punch juicy juice and added it to the popsicle molds, Mariah put the juice back in the fridge once I was done and My'Ryann closed it "Yayyy popsicles!" "We just have to freeze them and once they are done you two little kiddos get to eat them!" I tickled their bellies "Daddy!" My'Ryann laughed "You are funny!" Mariah laughed as well, I loved my daughters, I tried to get in contact with my other children but they didn't want anything to do with me, Messiah, Amira, Kingston, and Demi were the only ones I knew of but I was told by my mom that some girl I messed with in 10th grade came to her house saying she had twin boys by me and that was the end of that, no name no nothing. "Mommy's home!" Mariah ran to the door and opened it "Mommy! Mommy!" They ran into her arms "Aww my beautiful girls, what did daddy do to your hair, it's so nice!" Ryann looked at me "I tried braiding it but just ended up putting it in pigtails with two braids in the front" I said "It's very nice, you are definitely getting better at doing hair, I have a surprise for everyone so can we all go to the living room?" Ryann smiled, Mariah and My'Ryann took off to the living room, I helped Ryann with the groceries. "Here's for you, one for you and one for you!" She handed us all a gift bag "Go ahead open it!" Ryann smiled. "Oh my gosh!" I smiled when I pulled out a positive pregnancy test and a onesie that said Baby Carri #3, Mariah pulled out lipgloss and a white onesie that said Lil sis in pink and My'Ryann pulled out a coloring book and crayons with a onesie that said I'm the last one but in purple  "Oh my gosh babe, congratulations!" I hugged her and my girls.
Messiah Wright  No Aysher
I'm now 19 years old and standing at 6'3, My brother Adonis is 5'8 and he's only ten but we got different dads so we might not be the same height full grown. I legally changed my name to Messiah Ace Wright, Diamond changed Adonis to Adonis O'Shea Wright and my sister Shaela is Shaela Diamond Wright, After Jacques left she became a pill popper, weed smoker and alcohol drinker, She would lock us in the room so much, beat on Shaela and I couldn't do shit about it, the courts never let us say our side of the story, Mom Shea fought and fought but the courts didn't care, they didn't see her as anyone to us, Diamond still has custody of Adonis, Shaela and her twins, Sincere and Shaniyah, both named after Shea of course even though Shea has never met them. Life wasn't easy but once I was 16 and a half we would sneak out and go see Shea eventually Diamond would drop us off everyday after school and get us around 8pm, if Shea tried to keep us she would threaten to call the police for kidnapping so we just went home willingly, Life sucked at Diamond's house but now Shaela is trying to live with her girlfriend and I am with my wife, Ayana. Same girl from high school, I married her when I was eighteen, lost my Virginity to her as she lost hers to me also, We decided to wait until our late twenties to have children because we plan to travel together and see the world, Once our kids are old enough to remember stuff we are going to travel with them to. At eighteen I left, I didn't want to leave Shaela and Adonis behind but since they were seeing Shea, Diamond wasn't beating on them as much anymore so that's good.  Ayana and I have a 2 bedroom apartment up in Hartford,CT it's real nice here but we do plan on moving before we have kids, just have to do research and see what's best out there. Also I found out I have eight siblings from my father and two on the way, He contacted me and let me know if I need anything I could hit his line but forget that man, God will deal with him. I have a wife now and I'm not ruining it messing around with his deadbeat self.
Shaela's Sweet sixteen B-Day Party
"EVERYONE TURN THE FUCK UP FOR MY BABY!" Carina yelled into the mic, She really went all out with the decorations and the DJ was really doing his thing, My mom (Shea) was here with her wife, my brother, his wife, and all our friends came through "YOOO GET LIT!" I yelled into the other Mic,  🎶 Uma palavra
Mas tendo de ir embora (woah, woah, woah)
Want it all, I won't leave a breadcrumb
Bitch, what I thought a nigga said something
Thought a nigga said something
G Block, all we know is redrum
Redrum, redrum, redrum, redrum
G Block, all we know is redrum
Redrum, redrum, redrum, redrum
Nigga, all we know is (redrum)
Ridin' in the back, it's a May' (it's a May')
32 shots in the K (in the K)
Marathon, I really run the A (run the A)
Say you touched me, how, Sway? (How, Sway?)
Graveyard, that's where the opps stay (opps stay)
Hypnotize, they do what I say (what I say)
21, niggas don't play (don't play)
My Glock Gen5 said hey (said hey)🎶

He left us-3 (Finale)  {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now