A beat-down

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Diamond Aysher
I was sitting here facing a blunt  in front of the tv on my black leather couch, pregnant and annoyed, the hip hop music channel was on and Young M.A's open scars was playing.  🎶 Uh, no love lost it was never love
I lost sight, found God, a more better love
I ain't never went soft, I'm forever thug, yeah
And you ain't God, so you could never judge
I had guys I called brothers leave me in the storm
That's why my heart still cold even when it's warm
All of a sudden they forget like I ain't put 'em on
And never had to owe me shit, I did it off the arm
Still fightin' demons, duckin' bullets, pullin' thorns
It's funny how they still sleep like I ain't blowin' horns
This female look like a male like is somethin' wrong
Nah, it's still suck my dick, bitch, nothing's wrong
This whole industry is rigged, I don't need awards
I done things never did and still didn't get applaud
Like I ain't got W's across the fuckin' board
And my mom became the goat when I was fuckin' born
And I'm only 5'7", but my gun is 5'2"
It's Red Lyfe 'til I die, but my jewelry sky blue
I don't need material shit, my aura could shine too🎶.
I sung along to the music and nodded my head, At first I didn't mess with M.A but after hearing a few of her stories through music I liked her, She was cool and definitely could throw some lyrics together, my mind drifted off to Shea and I in high school, how I wish I didn't mess everything up like damn I love that girl but now here we are, so distant from each other. From 16-18 and now pushing 40, I still loved Shea but I knew it would never be an us again. Shea meant a lot to me, more than I could put into words but I was just an angry soul, I hated myself for things that I've done in my past and am doing now. If I could go back I'd do everything right. I'd be a better mom, I'd love Shea the correct way, I'd love my kids the correct way and I wouldn't be so hard on myself, Life was difficult, depressing and stressful but man I wasn't expecting it to be anything like this, 6 kids at my mid 30's, no job once again, weed and pain pills, sex with randoms... I don't know what I was doing but I didn't want this life for myself anymore.  I decided to create a group chat with Messiah, Shaela and Shea
Me: I created this group chat to let y'all know that I want to be a better person, a better mother, a better me. I know I fucked up and I hurt y'all, I lied, I said some hurtful stuff and I know I can't take it back but I promise to try my hardest and be a better mom. Not only for you and Messiah but Shaniyah and Sincere as well, also for the baby/ies I'm pregnant with. I'm sorry for not being there the way y'all needed me to but I promise from here on out to do better. Please just give me a chance! I need y'all support for me to be able to change.
Messiah responded first
Messiah: I have faith in you mom! You just have to believe in yourself and actually mean what you say. No matter what, you're still my mom at the end of the day so please reach out if you need anything! I'll come pick up the twins, help clean up the yard, take out the trash whatever you need 💙💙💙 - Siah
Shaela: I'm rooting for ya Diamond
Shea: Shaniyah and Sincere? Named after me?? Anyways... I'm proud that you are taking that step to better yourself Diamond. Your children/Our children will appreciate it. Good luck on your healing journey! 🙏🏾
Me: Thank you Messiah, thank you Shae and thank you Shea! Yes they are named after you. Shaniyah Demi Wright and Sincere Creed Wright. I know we will never be again but you are a big part of my heart. I'll always love you Shea even when I say and do stupid things! You really do mean a lot to me.
Shea: ❤️
The 2nd step (Apologizing to the twins)
"Hey Sincere,Shaniyah come here please!" I called out  "Yes mommy!" They walked over to where I was and stood in front of me  "You know how sometimes mommy gets very mad and hits you or yells very loud?"  "Yes!" They nodded "Mommy is going to try very very hard not to hit you anymore and I'm going to try very very hard not to yell at you at anymore either because it's scary when I yell, I don't want to scare you guys anymore okay!?" I hugged them tightly. Their little life was in my hands and I needed to do right by them, there was no more Shea to save the day, it was just me.

Dru: Can I come see you?
Me: Yea, twins are here
Dru: okay! I'll bring them some food and some snacks
Me: ok see you soon
Knock knock knock ✊🏻
I opened the door for Dru, she had happy meals and fruit bowls for the twins  "DRU!" They we're excited "Adonis is with Shea?" She asked "Yea, he doesn't like being here but I don't blame him." I helped Shaniyah with her food while Dru helped Sincere with his.  "I came here because I have to tell you something and I know you are going to hate me for it but I had to do it Diamond, it was only right!" Dru motioned for me to sit down so I did but my eyes stayed glued on hers "What did you do?" I asked with pure anger in my voice "I made a report to child protection authorities." As soon as those words left Dru's mouth I felt my body get hot as fuck, The twins even knew I was mad. "Now why the fuck would you do that?" My left leg was bouncing, my eyes were twitching and my fingers were tapping on the table, mad wasn't even the word "Diamond it's obvious that you can't handle raising your kids, beating on them, leaving them in their dirty dia..." Before Dru could finish what she was saying I grabbed her by the little bit of hair on the top of her stupid head, pulled her closer to me with my left hand and started beating her with my right, punching her continuously, uppercutting her straight to the face "BITCH YOU MUST'VE LOST YO MOTHERFUCKING MIND!" I kept swinging my arm, Dru was trying to get out of my hold but I swung her around the room, punching her face and head in, this bitch really crossed me now "You really trying to get my kids taken from me you stupid ass white bitch, fuck you bitch!" I beat her ass until I was good and tired, I knew I was pregnant but anger took over and I just couldn't help it, Dru tried to pin me down but I kicked her in the face "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" I screamed. I grabbed my phone and gave it to the twins "Go in the room, call Shaela and tell her to come get y'all, tell her it's an emergency!" I said "Okay mommy!" They went to their bedroom and did just what I said. "Bitch ima kill you, just wait til I catch my fucking breath!" I was so mad but pregnancy prevented me from killing this bitch "Shae is coming mommy!" Sincere gave me my phone "Okay good, go back in the room, take your food with you." I handed them their food "I don't know what type of stupid you ate for breakfast!" I grabbed Dru by the throat and squeezed, she was fighting for air but all the built up anger I had in my body made me stronger than normal. "You really fucked up Dru!" I didn't even realize Shaela and Messiah come in the house until I was being restrained by Messiah and Shae was making sure Dru was ok.  "FUCK THAT BITCH, SHE CALLED CPS ON ME!" I tried to get out of my son's grip but I couldn't no matter how hard I tried.  "Dru get your shit and leave!" Shae said  "Fuck!" Dru was crying, her face was fucked up, it would take a full 30 days for that shit to heal. "Fuck that cunt!" I cried, just thinking about my children going into the system and me giving birth in prison scared the mess out of me. "Mom calm down, calm down!" Messiah and Shae were trying to help me relax but I wanted to kill that bitch

"Call Shea, call Shea!"    I passed out...

He left us-3 (Finale)  {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now