Court Date

19 5 1

Author: FAMILY IS VISITING! Updates will be posted in the afternoons
Shea Wright
As I sit in the waiting area, My legs are shaking, my arms are folded and you can clearly tell how pissed off I am. Diamond still isn't here, I don't know if she's even coming. "Shea?" My attorney comes up to me with a questionable look on her face "what's going on?" I asked "Diamond has signed her rights over, she is no longer fighting for Messiah or Shaela, This mean you have 100% legal custody of both children, you can place her on child support if that is what you want" "Wait, wait! Hold on... She gave up on her kids?" I asked "Yes Shea, she signed them over to you. She is done! She can't fight anymore after this. The judges would look at her as if she is crazy!" "Wha what about them, What about their mental health, She birthed them, sh she's their mother!" I tried my hardest to fight back tears but how... I can't hold any of this in anymore, I get up and head to the bathroom where I sit on the floor and let myself cry, I cried and cried until I couldn't anymore.

After court and school - "MOM GUESS WHAT!" Shaela runs in with a big smile on her face and something in her hands "I have to tell you two something" I pull out chairs for them "Mom can I tell you what I made first!" Shaela says "It's a lemon plant but we have to put it outside in the ground, it will grow big lemons and I can bring them to school we are all going to make lemonade!" "That's amazing sweetie, that will be really fun, I need you to listen to what I'm about to tell you though okay?" Messiah takes a seat next to Shaela, My heart is so heavy... Should I just bring them out for ice cream and take them to the zoo or should I tell them the truth.... That their own mother gave up on them....?

"I love you both very much, forever and forever! You two can come to me about anything, Your mom, Diamond... She signed a paper and my attorney gave it to me, Your mom, She... She can't see you two anymore, Not until you're eighteen maybe never and I am really really sorry" "Is it because I told?" Messiah has tears coming down his face "No, no baby! Not at all! You nor you *points at Shaela* did anything wrong, Mommy just has a lot of problems going on in her life and she decided it's best if she handles it without you two. She loves you two very much but she can't be the good mommy that she used to be." I don't know if what I'm saying is even making any sense... I'm confused and hurt, not for myself but for them... "Mommy never loved me!" Shaela cries, I hold both of my kids as I try to be strong for them but tears fall... This is a fucked up world and her ass should be behind bars for abandonment. "I love you two very very much!" I kissed their foreheads.
Diamond Aysher 💔
"DON'T FUCKING JUDGE ME MOM! I DID WHAT I HAD TO DO, I NEVER EVEN GOT TO ENJOY BEING A TEENAGER!" I hang up the phone and block my mom, dad and almost everyone in my contacts "FUUUUUUUCKKKK!" I threw the wine glass across the room, it shattered everywhere After calming down and cleaning it up I check social media, checking Shea's Facebook and IG but it's gone... I make a fake account to check but still... GONE! She deleted her social media, I check her mothers account and see a new post "Every child deserves parents, but not every parent deserves a child". "Shade much!" I smacked my lips as I reported her page.

Text messages
Oli: You coming in?
Me: Do I have a choice.. I'm tired 🥱
Oli: 😂 me too! I got you coffee and a croissant
Me: oooo I'm coming
Oli: 😉 you'll be coming alright
Me: omg 😆
Oli: See you soon 🤗
Me: 🤗

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