Years later....

19 3 0

Shea Wright
"Wow, look at you! Standing five feet six at 10 years old!" I give Messiah a tight squeeze "Come on ma, you messing up my fit!" He pops his Ralph Lauren purple collar  "Boy bye!" I laughed "Is mama coming today or tomorrow?" Shaela comes strutting in with her hands on her hips like she's grown "Girl fix your shirt right now!" I pop her stomach  "I'm seven, that's grownnn enough!" She rolls her neck "You already fixing to get a whooping and it ain't nothing but eight in the morning, fix your shirt now!" I say "Fine!" She runs off to get herself together. It's a school day and Messiah is dressed to impress  A Ralph Lauren black fitted cap, a Purple Ralph Lauren collar shirt and Black denim Ralph Lauren jeans, his sneakers are custom made with his name on the side of the left one and his age on the right one  "I'm looking good!" He grabs his chin and checks himself out in the mirror  "come on Shaela, let me get some pictures!"  I finally get them two to pose together without fighting and after taking pictures I send it to everybody in the group chat which is just family 
Auntie K: aww look at them! Shaela lil bad self haha
Mom: What beautiful children
Aunt Glory: Such beautiful babies
Diamond: Look at our kids😘😘
Cuz: So beautiful
Cuz J: Mister handsome and pretty girl
Cuz S: Man they tall damn
Me: Thank you everyone! See you at 5pm
Diamond: Why'd you put it in the group first, I should've got the picture first!?
Me: Diamond please don't start!
Diamond: Every birthday I have with them you get the pics first! I pushed them out Shea
Me: okay I'm sorry!
I sent her all of the other pictures I took, Since breaking up with Honey Rhnaé and taking a long ass break, being by myself it's been great but co parenting with Diamond hasn't been. She took me to court twice to get full custody back, she even made up a bunch of lies and bullshit, she stayed single but she complains a lot now and even tried making me jealous by sending pics of her photoshopped with some stud, All I've been doing is being a parent to Shaela and Messiah while Diamond tries to parent them but Shaela has picked up on a lot of bad habits being with Diamond. If it was up to me she wouldn't even have visitation with them but the court granted her 3 days out of the week. Sunday , Monday and Tuesday are her days, Shaela is allowed to be on TikTok and listen to inappropriate music, she has videos of her shaking and twerking her ass, popping her hips, throwing it back and grinding on chairs, this little girl of ours dances like a grown woman and I absolutely hate it. With me, I am strict, No phones, one hour of television on school days, outside activities or read a book, No candies, juice or snacks all day long, they get two snacks a day, their health and dental health is excellent so far but the way Diamond gives them ice cream and junk food all day isn't okay with me, we will be discussing that before his party though. "Your mom will be here to help me set up, let's get in the car, Shaela do not let me get a call from school or you are losing that TV for four days and outside time, you'll be inside reading a book!" I say sternly "Mommy wouldn't do that to me!" She huffs "Aww well, I'm not mommy!" I grabbed my car keys and purple Ralph Lauren jacket "Mommy said I can get a phone when I'm thirteen!" Shaela says "You aren't getting a phone, you were watching girls kissing!" Messiah says and I almost hit the brakes "WHAT?" I yelled in shock "ooops!" Messiah covers his mouth "When did this happen?" I asked "At mommy's house, she caught Shaela watching two girls kissing on YouTube!" "What did she do?" I asked "All she said was do not watch it again, then she cleared the history and blocked some channels and gave the phone back!" "Why didn't she tell me?" I asked again "She didn't want Shaela to be embarrassed" "Oh really?" I raised a brow "Mama I'm sorry!" Shaela cries "I love you both, see you after school!" I give them a hug and kiss. Once they are in the school I called Diamond "Where are you?" I asked as soon as she answered "At your place!" She says "I'll be there in a few minutes!" I hung up.

Back at home
"You got a lot of explaining to do..." I unlocked the door "What is it now?" Diamond sighs "You told our kids to lie to me?" I asked "Now why would I do that?" She sighs "You told Messiah and Shaela to lie to me!" I stated "Don't start lying because I already know about the girls kissing and the TikTok's!" I said  "Messiah's big ass mouth, just like his daddy!" Diamond pissed me clean the fuck off with that last remark "Like his daddy?" I slammed my palm down on the counter "He is nothing like that sick ass murderer and rapist!"  "I didn't even mean it like that!" She sighs "You really changed Diamond, you are not the same person I met in high school!" I shook my head "Yeaaa I know!"  "I'm going to bring you to court, this is your heads up! My children aren't safe with you and the things you do!"  "Threaten me with court? You won't win Shea! I'm there fucking mother." Diamond grabs her purse, jacket, phone and keys before leaving.  That's the last time I saw her...

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