Korean Steakhouse

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Late update -
Shea Wright 💔 Attorney's office

"So your last attorney faxed me everything that I should know and get caught up on, I just have a few questions before I continue, My first question is Are you absolutely sure that you want to go through with this? My second question is are the fathers of the children involved at all, in any way, and my last question is are you available on Saturday afternoon to go over and discuss your case?" Charlene smiles "Question one, I'm more than sure, two, No they are not and three I am!" I kept it professional but I do know that Charlene is flirting with me pretty hard. She's a thicker woman about 230 pounds 5 foot 6, She Carries her weight very well, she has a beautiful natural face with dark brown skin, dark brown eyes and jet black curly hair, she isn't my ideal type but she's beautiful for sure!
Diamond Aysher 💔
"Hey beautiful!" Oli gives me a hug and cheek kiss. "Heyyy!" I kissed her cheek  "So how does movies and Korean steakhouse sound?" Olivia asks "Sounds fantastic to me!" "Great! I made dinner reservations already!" She hugged me before getting back to work. "What I really want is some head!" I say to myself.

Korean steakhouse- 8pm
"Olivia Smalls, reservations for two!" Oli smiled "Right this way!" The man named Travis leads us into this fancy seated area  "Thank you!" We say in unison, After placing our orders I started to look around at the place! I already can tell it's super expensive so Oli must be doing another job "What do you do for work?" I asked  "We work together, what do you mean?" She raises a brow "Be honest with me Oli, If it's drugs, pills or robbing I need to know now" I looked into her eyes  "Come on now, really Diamond, That's how you think of me! I bring you to a nice restaurant to get to know you better and you make me out to be some stupid thug?" Oli takes a sip of her lemon water  "How can you afford this?" I asked  "Maybe I have a huge savings account, maybe my parents are rich, maybe I am rich, maybe I inherited money, maybe I work a legal second job, maybeeee I just am good at budgeting my money from the daycare!"     "Okay!" I said   "Don't judge me from what I have or where I bring you!"   "I'm sorry..." I touched her hand  "It's cool. I got money but how and where isn't your business, everything I do is legal!"   Sounds like a lie....

He left us-3 (Finale)  {COMPLETED}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora