Consequences and responsibilities

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Shaela 😤 😡

Me: my mom took my phone for a week to "teach me a lesson"
Carina: I can't believe the judge would allow this, she didn't even raise you smh
Me:Yea tell me about it🤦🏽‍♀️ I hate her!!!!
Carina: I wish I could give you a hug 🤗
Me: I wish too, My mom Shea wouldn't mind if we saw each other 😉
Carina: just a few more years and no one will be able to come between us 🥰
Me: ugh I can't wait, I wish I was there with you now, we could watch your favorite movies and eat wings
Carina: Soon soon 🤞🏼
Me: I really like you Carina, I'm sorry for lying
Carina: it's okay Shaela. We all lie at times just don't lie no more okay?
Me: I promise to never withhold anything from you again ❤️
Carina: You pinky promise?
Me: 😂 I pinky promise babe! ♾️
Carina: ♾️❤️♾️
Me: You're my forever girl🥹😘😘😘
Carina: you're my forever girl ☺️🥰♾️ Make sure you delete our messages, your mom is crazy
Me: I'm just gonna refer to her as Diamond because she doesn't deserve to be called mom
Carina: Well Diamond is crazy 😝
Me: I know 😢 I can't wait to be grown and gtfoh
Carina: Just play the same game as them so you don't get your phone taken
Me: I will babe I promise 🤞🏾❤️
Shea  (Wednesday)

 We all lie at times just don't lie no more okay?Me: I promise to never withhold anything from you again ❤️Carina: You pinky promise?Me: 😂 I pinky promise babe! ♾️ Carina: ♾️❤️♾️Me: You're my forever girl🥹😘😘😘Carina: you're my forever girl ☺️�...

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"What do you plan on doing?" My mom asked "I don't know, I'm not sure at all, maybe just let it play out and see how the kids like it, see how well Diamond could handle all of this!" I took a sip of the red wine "Shea you've been there since day one so I know this isn't easy for you but you can't let yourself become an alcoholic because of it." "I know mom but Urghhh this is so difficult!" I picked the wine glass back up and drank the rest, soon as it was gone I filled it right back up, my mom took the bottle of wine "You aren't doing this to yourself, you have them in a few days, you need to have your head on right! For them, Shea."
Me: Hey, How are you doing?
Elle🥰: Pretty good, yourself?
Me: I'm alright! Would you like to grab some lunch and chat?
Elle🥰: Sure 😊 where at?
Me: Hmm how about Puerto Rican grill?
Elle🥰:That's my favorite spot! I'm actually five minutes away so I could meet you there
Me: I'm already here lol, pull up
Elle🥰: Be right there
Diamond Aysher❤️
"Babe I'm going to go make a phone call real quick!" I kissed Jacques on the lips before walking out of the house.
"Diamond why are you calling me?" Shea answered, I could tell she's been crying "The kids are having fun, Messiah is learning to drive, Adonis was signed up for football, don't worry he's still doing soccer and hip hop and Shaela she's having a bit of trouble adjusting to it here so I was hoping you could talk to her?" "That's great Diamond, I'm kind of busy so I'll call Shaela on her phone in a little." Shea was annoyed with me but I didn't care, these are my kids not hers.
"What are y'all naming the twins?" Shaela asked "We don't know yet!" I smiled "Do you have any ideas?" I asked "Jacques Jr." Messiah laughed "Are you trying to be funny or are you being serious?" Shaela put her hands on her hips "Michael Jr and Jacques Jr, should've named Adonis after his father as well!" Messiah said "I changed your name so you wouldn't have to deal with that came with it." I said "Yeaaa sure, whatever, You just mess around with multiple guys, get pregnant and than dump your kids on Shea, what are you going to do this time if Jacques leaves you, are you going to..." before Messiah could finish his sentence I smacked him in the mouth "BOY I AM YOUR MOTHER! I GAVE BIRTH TO YOU, I RAISED YOU FOR A GOOD PORTION OF YOUR LIFE AND I AIN'T GO THROUGH ALL THAT DAMN PAIN TO BE DISRESPECTED BY YOU SO SHUT YOUR MOUTH BOY!" I was heated, these kids were really disrespectful and getting on my damn nerves. "Yea, I was around the same age of Adonis when you left me for dick!" Messiah dodged the second hit "JACQUES!" "What's wrong baby?" He came up from the basement "Take his ps5 and phone away, I'm not about to stress myself and go into labor early over this disrespectful LITTLE BOY!" I stared up at my son, he was taller than I was but he was just that, a little boy. These teenagers really think they are grown and can run their parents, not mine. "You got something to say because I know your smart ass always has something to say?" I looked at Shaela "I ain't say nothing!" She put her hands up in surrender mode "Good!" I walked off, needing space from this whole thing that just happened. Lord give me the strength, just a few more years until they are eighteen, after that I'm kicking their asses out!

"Man fuck all y'all, this nigga ain't my damn daddy, you got him up here taking my shit like he my daddy, let me out this fucking room!" I banged on the bedroom door until I got tired, they really have me locked in a room, what type of shit is this? Niggas stupid as fuck! "LET ME THE FUCK OUT BITCH!" I punched the wall. "Young man, you need to calm down!" Jacques unlocked the door and welcomed himself into my space "I told you a few days ago, your behavior has consequences, You disrespected your mother and now you are being punished for it. If you want your PS5 and phone back you must sit in here and think about what you did and then you must apologize to your mother and that apology needs to be a sincere one or you will not have your phone nor your PS5. "You ain't never gonna understand how Shaela,Adonis or I feel!" I was pacing the room while twirling a curl around my finger "Listen young man, my mother was a no good deadbeat, My pops could be any one of 'em old heads we walk by everyday, my grandparents died before I was born, I sat up in the house with four younger siblings, I did everything for em, dressed em, bathed em, fed em, even had to buy pads and tampons for my lil sisters, had to wipe my momma's ass because she was too fucked up to do it herself, We might not have had the same life but shit, I get where you coming from, thing is! Your mama is here now...she trying...just give her some time to get her mind right, you know you love your mama boy, I love my mama and she ain't did nothing but put a roof over our head, I did the rest, I wasn't no good kid but I wasn't no bad kid either, I stayed away from drugs and alcohol but I stole, I sold what I stole and I got right with it, meaning the bills were paid and all my siblings including my mama and I had full bellies. 
(2 days later)Shea Wright
"Nahhh, she's beautiful!" I kept looking over at this woman who was also with her friends, she was giggling at the jokes they were telling, our eyes met with one another a few times "Shea just go talk to her!" Iyla and Carla laughed "She's so gorgeous yo, I don't even know how to appr...." Before I could finish my sentence someone had tapped my shoulder  "Heyyy!" The beautiful woman said, her voice was shy but soft and cute "Hey!" I smiled.  "Sorry, I'm not really good at this thing!" She looked away and then back at me "It's okay, My name is Shea what's yours?"  "My name is Amayah-Gorgeous!" She laughed "Seriously?" I laughed as well "Yes!" Her smile lit up the room, she was exactly that, gorgeous. Iyla and Carla left from the table I was at so Amayah-Gorgeous and I could speak  "mind if I call you Gorgeous?" I looked into her perfect eyes "Not at all!" She smiled "What's your last name?" She asked "Wright and yours?" "It's Reign" she says "You have a beautiful name, Miss Reign" I smiled "Thank you!" She placed pieces of hair behind her ear, the shyness and giggles were so cute, we had fun getting to know each other, it seemed like time went by fast but in reality it had been three hours, I paid for our food before walking her to her friend's car. We hugged, exchanged numbers and left.

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