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Shea Wright  THE NEXT DAY 

"Ooooh shiiit baby, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Honey moans  "What are you sorry for huh?" I turned the vibration up "I'm sorry for yelling at youuuu" Her legs shake uncontrollably "Mmmhmm, bring that ass here!" I turn the vibrator off and place it in the drawer, I laid down on the bed as Honey straddled over me, placing my thick nine inch vibrating dildo in her dripping wetness "You best not yell at Daddy again!" I smacked her phat jiggle booty as she bounced up and down on my member  "What's my fucking name huh?" I thrust my hips up deepening the dildo in her goodies "Shiiit!" She throws her head back , I cup both ass cheeks as I pumped inside of her  "Stop screaming and take this damn strap!" I go faster and faster "What you gonna do from now on?"  "Listen to Daddy!" Honey moans  "I'm about to cum!" She cries out "No you not!" I pulled my strap out and pushed her down on the bed, I get between her legs and start kissing her inner thighs, She is squirming and begging for me to let her cum "Not yet!" I kissed her pussy "Baby please!" She moans  "No!" I lick her clit..stop...lick it again..stop...again..."Stop teasing me!" She pushes my head into her pussy, I flick my tongue all over her pearl, in seconds she cums on my face and down my chin "Oooh my gosh!" her legs and body shake.... 

Diamond Aysher 

"Oli, Please just talk to me baby!" I lift her chin up "We aren't doing this at work Diamond, I need you to let me breathe, I have to think everything through to be able to make a decision. "Okay.." I walked away to go play with the kids and pass out snacks, Out of the corner of my eye I see the new student's father walk in, He is about five ten, muscular build, his curly hair is held up in a messy bun, his facial hair is neatly trimmed "Is that your daddy?" I asked Leilani "Yes, his name is Apollo" She runs off to her daddy, He smiles big showing off his perfectly aligned white teeth "Oh my gosh!" I could've sworn my panties were wet "Hello Mr. Apollo Monarch, My name is Diamond Aysher. I am one of your daughter's teachers!" I extend my hand, he grips it...shaking my hand gently..His hands are huge, his fingers are looonnnng!  "Thank you for teaching my baby so much, She tells me all about this place and how much she learns, I just have one concern though, She told me a little boy named Saint hit her?"  "I wasn't here on that day but Olivia was so I will be right back, Nobody should be getting hit in here, right cutie pie!"  "Thank you!" He nods his head.  I walked over to get Oli  "Hey, Apollo, Leilani"s father has a question about the kid who hit his daughter"  "Okay!" Olivia walks over to him and they start having a conversation, "Okay thank you, My daughter will be happy with that!" He shakes Olivia's hand, waves at me then leaves  "I saw you flirting with him, practically drooling on his dick" Oli grabs my wrist "I was not!" I lied "I'm not stupid Diamond nor am I blind." She walks off so I followed her because she is pissing me off at this point  "I told you everything right, why are you mad at me?" I asked  "Come here!" She pulls me aside where no kids are able to hear us, plus Mrs. Kelly is reading them a kids bible book story   "You told me that it was one guy that could possibly be the father, Now it's three men who might change their mind and want to be a father to the baby!" Oli says "The baby?" I had a shocked expression on my face  "This is why I don't play *Daddy* to fems kids, half of ya'll fucked a man and he doesn't want shit to do with either one of you!" Oli hit a nerve with that one, I felt like smacking fire out of her face because that ain't even the case. BARS lol     "I used protection, I didn't intend to get pregnant Oli, It's not my fault!" I whisper yell  "It's not your fault, were you raped? No? Okay.. So therefore it is your fault Diamond, You had sex with multiple men, condoms don't protect everything, man..Thing is I really like you Diamond, I would love a relationship with you but how can I do that when I might be competing with a man and I'm not one to compete, You either be real with me or you can be with the father of your child, maybe even Apollo!" Oli says   "I want you, If I didn't want you I wouldn't be talking to you right now, I want us to be a couple, maybe even married one day as long as everything goes well" I hold her hands  "Just don't lie to me, If there is anything else you are hiding from me please tell me now!"  Inside I am dying, I can't tell her about Messiah and Shaela... That would ruin everything  "I'm not hiding anything else!" I kissed her cheek then walked away, I had to or else she would question me and I couldn't be questioned anymore, I almost told her about my kids....

Another Doctor Appt  

I'm now twenty four weeks pregnant and part of me doesn't even want to raise a kid, I don't want to get up every few hours, I don't want to have to breastfeed or make bottles, I'm tired just thinking about it, Not only that but all these doctor appointments because of my weight loss, It's hard to eat when I just throw up everything now plus I've been getting terrible headaches and my sex drive is crazy high but I don't want to have sex with Oli yet, I want it to be special and romantic...We aren't even officially girlfriends yet.  "Are you okay?" The doctor asks  "Yes, just tired... Is everything okay?" I asked  "Yes everything seems great! At 34 weeks we will start doing the stress test okay?" She smiles  "Okay! umm can I talk to my Doctor if she is in today?" I asked  "She isn't in today but you can call her, She usually always answers and if not just leave a message!"  "Okay thank you!" 

Oli and I decided to go baby clothes shopping so we hit up Carter's first but the clothing for boys just isn't all!  "Let's go to the mall for baby clothes" Oli suggests "I need a water babe!" I say "Okay!" Oli goes to the vending machine outside the store and gets me a water and herself a Gatorade   After getting to the car I sip on the water, Oli drives to the mall "Do you know anyone who has a baby crib?" She asks "No, Maybe my friend Iyla stored hers" I say "Can you ask please, or order one!"  "Yes"  I shoot Iyla a text 

me:Hey, you still got the baby crib?

Iyla: You preggo?

Me: It's for a friend

Iyla: It's in my basement but Shea got Shaela's still in her storage unit 

Me: What color is yours again?

Iyla: Its only two years old, It's black 

Me: Two years old??

Iyla: My gf had a baby, Amiah Iyla Parkson  she was 5 pounds even and 20 inches long

Me: Aww congratulations, send me pics when you get a chance and I'm not gonna lie I'm pregnant with a baby boy, dating a girl named Olivia but she goes by Oli, Shea and I aren't really communicating like that, she has the kids 

Iyla: Congrats, I hope everything works for you! keep me updated Diamond 

He left us-3 (Finale)  {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now