Olivia Smalls (Oli)

21 4 3

Diamond Aysher 💔🔓

I have to get my life together and get it together fast, Shea and I , well mostly I, have been arguing and causing drama for no reason, I'm depressed and I don't even know why I am. Nothing feels right anymore, I hate going to work, I hate cleaning up, eating, cooking all of it! I've wanted to kill myself so many times but I just can't do it, It's impossible for me... Life is so different from when I was sixteen in highschool, now I'm closer to 30 with no partner, A part time job at Subway and another part time job at this Daycare called "Jehovah's Children"  It's a great place but there is this one stud who works there, she is super fine, very nice and she loves children, she's always reading to them, tucking them in during nap time, giving them extra cookies during snack, singing gospel songs and nursery rhythms!

Work Day  12pm-5pm
"Hey, how are you?" Olivia hands me an iced coffee "I'm good how are you?" Every time I see her I am blushing, I really can't help it "I'm great, I got to ask you something.." she says "What's up?" I sat across from her, we both looked at the children who were playing tag and some who were coloring  "Are you a lesbian?" She asked  "I'm bisexual"   "How many men have you been with?" She asked  "Two men, two women!"   "Do you have kids?"  ".......No!" I lied....  "Do you want kids?" Olivia asked   "With the right one" We both smiled.

He left us-3 (Finale)  {COMPLETED}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora