ch 36 Problem? nope!

239 11 28

Food for the soul

Pap 36

To say that Kati was shocked would be an understatement. When the van went up the mountain, he was expecting a decent-sized house, enough for their family to stay in.

He certainly wasn't expecting a massive mansion.

Phil got off the van first and went in without a word, ignoring the others as they chatted about the house. He just wants to go to sleep and cry the next morning when he realizes that everything is a dream.

As they entered the home, Phil saw a pouting Mindanao on the sofa. "Tito Mindao," Phil called out.

Mindanao turned his head towards Phil. He smiled. "My favorite Pamangkin! You're back!"

"Pretty sure I'm your only living nephew," Phil shrugged.

"True, but even back then, you were always my favorite," Mindanao held out his arms. "Hug?"

Phil smiled and hugged him. "What happened to you, by the way?" He asked as he stared at the cast on Mindanao's leg.

"Tripped on a banana peel that SOMEONE refused to throw away properly," Mindanao gave Baguio, who had just walked into the room, a side eye.

"I didn't mean to drop it on the floor!" Baguio defended himself, hands up in the air. "I was going to pick it up, but then you came running!"

"Why are you here?" Phil asked as he pointed at Baguio.

"It's raining ice cubes in my city, and I refuse to deal with it," he said, giving a thumbs up.

Phil glared. "Go home and help your people."

Baguio sighed, "fine..." He grabbed his jacket and prepared to leave. As he walked towards the door, he was shocked by what he saw. There, stood Kati, Perla, Del, and Martial.

"Diyos ko po..." He mumbled in shock. "Phil?"


"There are dead people at our door."

"I know," Phil sighed. "I almost forgot about that," he dusted off his skirt as he got up.

"Trick or treaters?" Mindanao said confused, he turned around as best as he could on the sofa. "Oh, shit," he said as he stared Kati in the eye. "bunso?"

Phil groaned. "So it isn't a hallucination? Or is it a dream?" He rubbed his face. "Forget this, I'm going to bed," he patted Mindanao's shoulder. "Please deal with this mess, Tito, best of luck." After that statement, Phil went upstairs and face-planted onto the bed.

Leaving Mindanao and Baguio to deal with these...dead? People.

"Uhhh...North?" said Baguio. "What is going on?"

"I've learned not to question everything in this house," North answered. "I have no idea, I'm just going along with it." He shrugged.

"bunso..." Mindanao spoke as he stared at Kati; another red being caught his eye. "Is that the Third Reich???"

Thirdy slumped his shoulders and backed away, hiding behind Perla.

"Ginoo ko it is..." Mindanao sighed. "Is Phil planning on turning this house into a home for problematic countries???"

North crossed his arms with a huff. "Well, I'm sorry for being such an inconvenience."

"What? No! Sorry!" Mindanao sighed. "I didn't mean that..."

"I know," North shrugged. "I'm gonna go make some snacks. I have a feeling this is going to be a long night with an even longer conversation," he went ahead to the kitchen, leaving Baguio to deal with the situation.

'What is up with this house? Always leaving their problems to others?' Mindanao asked himself

Baguio sighed, " about let's take a seat?"

This is going to be a long night.

the past and the presentOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz