ch 16 dorms

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Phil sat on his bed, his face scrunched into a frown. Ever since he had come back from the cemetery, he couldn't shake this feeling of uneasiness. He didn't know where it came from, but something was nagging him to go back.

"Philip?" ASEAN called out to him, yet it seemed like he didn't hear him; he stayed still, half-lidded eyes staring at the clock.
ASEAN frowns and sighs as his hand slowly slips off the wooden door. He had a worried look on his face as he silently approached him. "Phillip?" He whispered as he kneeled down on the floor next to him.
There was no response from the Filipino. This caused ASEAN to worry even more, but he sighed and calmed himself down; after all, this wasn't the first time this happened.
ASEAN placed a hand on his shoulder and called out his name once again. "Phill..." He whispers.
There was still no response from the Filipino; he was completely lost in his own mind. He didn't register ASEAN's presence.
ASEAN sighed and said, "Come here." Slowly, ASEAN wrapped his arms around him, pulling him into a hug.
This prompted a response. Phil's half-lidded eyes opened wide, and the usual glow was back once again. His foggy mind began to clear up and was now filled with confusion as to why he was being held; he didn't even know when ASEAN had come in.
"Papa ASEAN?" He whispers, looking up at his father figure.
ASEAN smiled warmly, relieved that he was back. "Hey Phil, you lost yourself again."
"Huh?" At first Phil felt confused, but realization sank in when he saw the worried and somber look in his eyes.
"Ahh...." He had lost himself again.
There was always something that pulled him out of this world. He would often just stop to think about something for a while, only to lose himself in the process.
He hugged ASEAN tightly, saying, "I'm sorry."
ASEAN smiled and patted his head. "You did nothing wrong."
Phil relaxed a little bit, finding comfort in his embrace.
"I can't believe it," Del muttered under his breath.
"Can't believe what?" Asked Martial, his brow raised. "Your shameful death?" He smirked.
Del looked at him with a pissed-off expression. "Okay, first of all, that is uncalled for; secondly,"" he took a deep breath. "WHAT KIND OF BUILDING DOESN'T HAVE A KITCHEN???? EVEN PRISONS HAVE KITCHENS!" He yelled.
Martial shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe because this is a lab, brother. Come on, let's just go." He walked ahead of his brother before turning back at him. "Do you remember where the rooms are?" He asked.
Del sighed, but suddenly he smiled. "Oh! There might be a kitchen there!" He grabbed Martial's hand and started running, pulling him along. "Let's go! It's this way."
"Mahal? What are you doing?" Perla asked. As of right now, she was confused as she stared at her husband, who was currently passing back and forth in circles. "Mahal?"
Kati looked back at her with a troubled smile.
"Mahal, I might have..." He stayed silent for a while, debating in his mind whether he should tell her or not. He sighed internally, knowing that he would have to tell her. "I can't remember the way to the dorms."
Perla raised an eyebrow. "They told us the way earlier; how could you forget?"
Yeah." He rubbed his arm and smiled meekly. "I really wasn't paying attention."
Perla frowned at this. When did her husband become so irresponsible? She sighed and held his hand. "I did. Let's go; it's this way."


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