ch4 Project R: No. 0125

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Again, he panicked confused, and questioned his situation. Suddenly the door opened revealing Germany holding a clipboard close to his chest, he gave him a warm smile and made his way to the chair next to his bed. "how are you? " he asked. Kati stared at him, unsure of what to say. After a few minutes of staring at each other, Germany let out a sigh and gave him a warm smile "I understand that you're confused, it is a lot to process Afterall" Germany placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a light pat.

Kati looked at the German's hand on his shoulder with a ridiculous look on his face. Germany couldn't help but let out a chuckle at this. Germany placed his hand down.

"why?" Kati asked, he saw the other's eyes widen, it showed that he wasn't prepared for this question.

a serious expression on his face, he was getting sick of all the mind games and wanted a clear answer. "I was killed,  and I'm sure I did,  so why?"

"why am I still here? "

Silence filled the room, both countries staring at each other in silence, the air filled with a thick layer of tension that could be cut with a knife.

Germany dug his thumb into his fingers, a habit of his when stressed. He sat up straight and fixed his collar,  the games needed to end and it was time to get serious.

"he wasn't lying, you're smart" there was no emotion in his voice he was simply stating a fact.  Kati's confused face turned into annoyance and it was clear to the other that he needed to start explaining.

Germany took a deep breath, " you were brought here by the organizations" he observed the look on Kati's face, he seemed to be even more confused it showed all over his face, for someone who used to lead armies he sure was easy to read.

"Organizations?"  Kati asked, never in his life did he hear about organizations taking people. " yes", Germany nodded, "there are currently three organizations in charge, he raised three fingers and started counting on them,  First is the United Nations, then we have the European Union,  and lastly the Association of southeast Asians or Asean for short."
He put his hand down, "I know you have questions about them but for now they're not important, now as for your question about why you're still alive."

He handed him the clipboard, in the clipboard was a document filled with information about him,  his eyes widened and his mouth agape with how detailed the document was.
In the document was his name, all of his achievements, and his family members, and at the top, the date of his birth and the day of his death were written, but what caught his eye was the writing above, it wrote:

Project R: No. 0125
Started on:
Ended on:
Project status: successful


It's been a few days since he first woke up, and now Kati is currently leaning on a wall staring at the window thinking about the information Germany had given him.

According to Germany, it was now the year####, ### after his death.
The reason why he was alive was that these so-called "organizations" has a secret project they called " revival" for a project that was supposed to be a mystery,  the name was very specific.
He tried to ask about this project but Germany couldn't give out any more information.

He sighed, it felt like there was something more to this project but it wasn't his business. Suddenly the door opened wide and revealed the same country he's been talking to for days.

Germany stood by the door, a smile on his face,  "are you ready? " he asked,  Kati faced him, a warm smile on his face "yes" he replied. Today was the day he was finally allowed outside his room. 


Walking through the hallways,  following Germany to wherever he was taking him, he couldn't help but ask him if the organizations had revived all of the dead countries, would there be a chance that they also brought back his wife? Germany said yes and told that his wife,  Perla was indeed revived as well as a few other people he knew. This filled him with joy, he was finally able to see his wife after along time.

At last,  they made it to a room with a massive metal door, Germany slipped his card and opened it for him, Kati was stunned when he saw what was behind the door.

A large elegant room, it was so beautiful that I couldn't be described in words, but it wasn't the decor that caught his attention, it was the people or rather the countries in the room.

So many countries in many different colors and flags, countries both old and new,  some he recognized some he didn't know, there were empires and countries,  both big and small, cruel and kind countries all gathered in a room,  it was truly a sight to behold.

"Welcome back"


see that I left the dates empty it was because I couldn't decide on it, ill probably edit it in the future.


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