Portraits on the wall

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A short story to keep you company for a while.

The past and the present

Phil walked through the halls of his home, admiring the portraits and images he had collected over his many years of living.

Portraits, images and of his family, old friends, traitors and rebels. It was quite a collection indeed.

Evidences of all the glory and hardships he had gone through.

But they're simply decorations by now, their meaning and importance slowly dying down with each layer of dust that lays on its frame.

All but one.

He smiles fondly at the giant portrait of his family. He was only a child back when they had it painted, so young, innocent and true. He looks up at the the image of his brothers, just by the picture you could already tell that they were close.

Why did things have to change?

He sighs and looks at the faces of his parents. He wasn't very close with his father, the other spent most of his time training Martial and Del, leaving him alone with Perla most of the time. He was fine with that, he loves his mother very much so.

If you were to ask him who his favorite parent was he would immediately say it was Perla without hesitation.

He takes a deep breath and smiles. The memories of the past coming back to him, improving his mood He thinks of how his mother would react if she saw what he was now.

He gives a small bow Infront of the portrait before leaving the house with a happy heart.

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