ch 12 Mama just killed a man

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Ch12,mama just killed a man
Pic above is drawn by me, it is a picture of Perla holding kati's bolo knife. Possibly threatening someone with it.

"Ma, pa, I hope you're happy wherever you are."
Kati was, in fact, not happy.

It's only been a few hours since he was revived. He had just finished crying his soul out when he saw his wife. It's been a stressful time.
And now he was staring at the very person who killed him.

Sweat dropped from the Spanish empire's forehead. He scratched the back of his neck. H-hola," he said awkwardly.

"P*tangina, binuhay ka pa talaga? Di pa na sunog Yung Katawan at kaluluwa mo sa empyerno?"

(Motherf*cker, they bought you back? (Did hell not burn your body and soul?")

"Ummm... Sorry?..."

"F*ck you, why are you here? I don't wanna deal with you right now.*

They both fell into silence, not knowing how to feel about each other. They used to be friends once, but the war happened, and they tried to kill each other.

They never took the fights personally; they were fighting for the nation and nothing else.
But S.E. ended up having to kill Kati. Now Kati doesn't know how to feel about him.

Pearla walked over to the two without them noticing.

"Excuse me, senior Espanya," she said, smiling at him. S.E. took a step back, putting his guard up. He knew that even though the woman looked innocent, she was deadly.

"S-si?" He cursed himself for stuttering.

Kati took five steps back from his wife.
This wasn't going to end well; he might as well get help. He left to find someone who would be strong enough to stop a fight between a woman and an empire.

"It's a lovely day, isn't it, sir?"


Perla slowly closed the gap between them; she stopped right in front of him. "I have a secret to tell you," she gestured for the taller man to lend his ear.

S.E. gulped as he weighed his choices. He could run away from the crazy woman or do as she says. Either way, it wasn't going to end well for him.

Perla got impatient and pulled his arm, forcing him to get down to her level. Perla smirked as she whispered into his ear.


Before S.E. could even react, Perla had already punched him in the jaw. A loud crack echoed in the room, silencing the other countries who heard it and turned their heads toward them.

S.E. held his jaw; he fell to the floor. Before he could process what had just happened, Perla tackled him to the floor, and a full-blown fight ensued.

The other countries surrounding them stepped back and made space for the fight. They cheered loudly and didn't try to stop it. They were amazed by the fact that such a small and petite-looking woman could pick a fight with an empire.

The people's cheers indicated to Kati that the fight had started; he walked faster and scanned the people around him looking for someone to stop the fight. He could just stop the fight himself; he is strong enough to beat S.E. in a fistfight; however, he is not strong enough to fight his wife both mentally and emotionally.

He was so deep in thought that he didn't notice the country in front of him, and they bumped into each other. "I'm so sorry!" Kati looked up at the country in front of him.

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