CH7. Asean House

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Phil woke up with a smile, excited to start a new day. He looked at his alarm clock, the time is 5: 30 am, He hopped out of the bed and started getting ready for the day.

He left his room with a smile and made his way to the kitchen. The clock read 6:00 Am which means he only had 15 minutes to make coffee for 'papa' ASEAN before he woke up and 35 minutes to cook breakfast for everyone before they woke up.

Phil immediately got to work, setting up all of the things he needed. Soon the coffee was done, the time is 6:15 and on cue, Asean woke up. The sweet smell of coffee filled the hallways and he let his sleepy self follow the scent to the kitchen.

Philip decided that eggs and rice would do for today's breakfast, he started the rice cooker and then started cooking the eggs. ASEAN walked into the kitchen, in his moon pajamas, rubbing his sleepy eyes. He sat on the kitchen counter and yawned. "morning Phil.." He greeted.

"Good morning Papa!" Phil greater with a smile as he handed Asean his morning coffee.

ASEAN took the cup, absentmindedly he took a sip accidentally scalding his tongue. "Ahh! Hot!" ASEAN yelped in surprise.

"Pfft.." Phili Snickers trying not to laugh at his father's stupidity. Asean heard and shot a glare at him, he was awake now and he didn't even need coffee.

Phil turned his attention back to his cooking. Asean sighed, blowing on his mug to cool the coffee down. He looked at the calendar, it was Monday, Philips's work day. He looked back at Philip who was busy flipping eggs.

"Philip" he called, Phil turned around and faced him. "Po?" Philip asked, He saw Asean sigh as he put his coffee down. "You don't have to do this" Asean spoke calmly. "What do you mean papa?" Philip asked, confused as to what he was talking about.

"We talked about this, you don't have to cook for us all the time, especially on your working days"

Ohhh...., Phew... I thought I was in trouble, Philip thought. He gave Asean his brightest smile. " But I love cooking for everybody! You guys are my family!"

Asean smiled, this kid is sweet, Asean thought.

Asean watches Phil set the table.

Asean gets up to help Phil, he took the plates and placed them one by one. There are about a dozen or more plates on the table, and Asean doesn't want to count all of them.

"Myanmar's gonna complain about washing all of these" Asean commented.

"he sure is" Phil chuckled, imagining Myanmar's reaction when he sees all the dirty dishes.

"ill pray for him" Phil turned around, going back to what he was doing while humming a lullaby.

Asean sat down at the end of the long table after they were done setting everything. He looked at the clock, it was 7:00 am, time for everyone to wake up.

"Phil, please wake the others, do whatever you need to do, just don't break anything"

Phil gave him a mischievous smirk, this is going to be fun, he thought.

Asean watches as Phil descends up the stairs, making his way to the rooms of his 'brothers'.

Asean smiled, it was irresponsible of him to let the kid have so much freedom. The others were so hard to wake up in the morning.

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