ch 3 Memories

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Kati continued staring at the door even after Germany had left, it's already been five minutes since he left but he was still confused,  staring at four trying to figure what Germany meant by remembering Who you are,  he sighed and rubbed his forehead, he laid his back on the pillows and let out another sigh, it was such a stressfull day for him, he was about to go to sleep when suddenly he remembered, "the book!" he exclaimed, the book was sitting in the table right next to him, he had a feeling that the was calling out to him, telling him to open it before it's too late, he reached for the book and sense of relief and familiarity washed over him, it was a weird yet calming feeling for him. 

Kati opens up the book and his eyes widened, his mouth open in shock of what he saw,  it was a picture, a family picture, in it was a happy family of 5 and he was in it,  judging by the picture alone it seemed that he was the father and next to him was his wife and kids, but he doesn't who any of these peopole are. His eyes squinted at the picture "who are you guys? " he asked himself, he felt terrible that he didn't know who this peopole were, he felt like he knew all of this people, no,  he does know who they are, but for some reason he didn't.

Panicking,  he started flipping pages faster, panic and confusion rising with each page, every page was filled with pictures of the peopole he couldnt remember  but felt a connection to,  he kept flipping and flipping and flipping,   page after page in the book, going faster and faster along with his breathing, he was panicking , but he couldnt calm himself down, to busy trying to figure out who these peopole are, then it hit him, a sudden electric current hit him in the head travelling all the way down to his toes, after that there was nothing, it was all black when he fell into a dark calm place called sleep.


Papa! Look, wook! I dew  you a flower!

Its really pretty anak, thank you

Ughh.. Move over, phil i have something better to show to papa,


Papa look at this! I got medal cause i won the fighting competition!

Wow! Kuya so stwong!

Pfttt... Those must guys be so weak to lose to a little guy like you.

Hey! In not little! Ill beat you up rigth now!

Okay, okay thats enough, del stop teasing your brother, hes only he'll grow soon,  I am very proud of you Martial,  you are very strong.

Yeah I am!

Sure.....  Papa!  I trained with the general today!  He was very nice, he said I'm gonna grow up and be strong like you are!

Hahaha... Of course you will you're my son after all.
Now why don't you boys go play? Papa needs some rest so go do whatever you want okay? 

Okay papa!


Our boys are growing up so fast.

They are, its makes me so happy.

I love you

I love you more


Katipunan woke up and stared at the ceiling, unlike before when he first woke up, panicking and inconfusion this time he was calm, he isn't in a rush and he isnt paniking either, he felt numb.

He sat up and looked at his hands felt complete, he felt like himself again. The book was laying beside him the bed, again he felt the need to open it and look inside,  but this time he wasnt in a rush. Kati picked up the book and put it in his lap,  slowly he opened up the first page and was met by the same picture of a happy family but this time,  he knew who they were.

" Del pillar, Martial law" kati said as he started naming the peopole in the picture, pointing to each one of them,  he smiled, he pointed to who seems to be the youngest, "Philipines" he uttered with a smile, and lastly he pointed to the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life, his lover and wife,  "Perla". His smile grew bigger, his eyes filled with love looking at the picture of his family, he felt happy yet lonely at the same time. He kept flipping trough the pages, recognizing the faces of family, friends and acquaintances on every picture he sees,  It made him happy seeing all the pepole he held dear to him,  but there was constant feeling in the back of his mind,  he felt lonely, he missed seeing all of these peopole but he knew that it was impossible to see them he was already dead after all. " I miss you guys so much, I'm sorry my sons that I won't get to see you kids grow, my sweet perla, my love, please know that i love all of you very much" he smiled, his tears dropped on the photo, he raised up his hand to clear the tears from his face. But it him, if he was dead then he shouldnt be crying, he shouldnt be able to feel sadness at all, death was a gift to those who needed rest after all, so he shouldnt be stressed right now, also that kid he talked to earlier was he dead too? Was he in the afterlife? But it didnt look like it at all. The books said that heaven was a place made of gold and was peacefull, not like this place, weird, unfamiliar and had an annoying beeping machine. Is he even in the afterlife? Is he even dead?

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