Ei! Birthday!

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(next chap coming soon, just need to get through my exams first)

Here's some bday art, I'm too tired to color them right now, but yeah.

It's not my bday, it's the books.


Me holding cake: there, you're officially way too old to still be an updating fanfic

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Me holding cake: there, you're officially way too old to still be an updating fanfic.
Martial on the floor: the rest of the fandom is burning...yet here we are.

yet here we are

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Phil design

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Phil design


Thank you for everything, thank you for staying and reading, being patient with me keeping you waiting for the exiting part for two years.

(I wanna write it too, but for some reason my brain says not now.)

Thank you for still being here and reading, I love the comments you guys leave and it makes me feel really determined to actually go through and not abandon this fanfic.

Thank you all, lots of love,

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