ch.2 who are you?

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"Where am i? "

He asked himself again, he tried so hard to think of a reason as to why he's in such a weird place, am i different country?  Thats the first thought that came in his head when he saw all of the unfamiliar objects around him, but he realized that being in another country means that he was taken in his sleep or that he was defeated and was imprisoned, but this place doesn't look like a jail cell at all, all the white walls and weird equipment would make it seem like you're in hospital but it felt different and it looked different.

The room had plain white walls and there was weird objects everywhere,  there were a bunch of different colored water that was boiling right next to him and a giant mirror nailed into the wall,  "that's odd, why would anyone want a giant mirror in the wall? " he thought, aside from the weird mirror was a disturbing amount of little eyes that were pointed at him,  though he didn't know what they were he knew that it wasn't good (they were cameras).

"beep,  beep" ah how it annoys him,  the constant never ending beeping of the machine right next to him,  its been annoying him for a while now, he tried ignoring it but it's starting to get to him, he wanted it to stop. The machine was connected to him,  so he thought, "if I pull this rope off will that annoying thing should shut up,  right? " but just as he was about  to pull it off,  someone comes in through the weird metal door next to the disturbingly large mirror.

" you shouldn't pull that" said the person, he looks over to him, the person seemed to be a young man around his 20's but the yellow, red, and black flag on his face indicated that he was a country  so he might be older than that. The man walks closer to him while holding a strange book , he backed away, usually he would stand his ground and be intimidating but he was weak right now and he couldn't tell if this person was a threat  so it was better to play it safe and back away.

The country noticed that he was tense and sighed internally, " I'm not going to hurt you", he took a seat in an empty chair 5 steps away from the bed giving distance between them in case the other would get scared or become violent towards him "I'm just here to check on your health and ask few questions" he spoke softly to show that he wasn't gonna hurt him.

he tried to search his memory for anything that would tell him who this country is but he got nothing, "who are you? " he asked the country,  " My name is Germany" Germany replied, the name sounded unfamiliar and new to him,  "this kid might be a new a country or a town" he thought to himself,  "I do believe that it is my turn to start asking questions", Germany's voive snapped him out of his thoughts, he looked at him and give him a slight nod, he felt like he could trust this kid.

Germany smiled internally seing that he was less tense that before but kept his face blank and emotionless, he couldnt be looking unprofessional at work,  " do still know who you are? " he asked as if it wasnt a weird thing to ask someone, he saw his eyes widen clearly surprised by the question but it quickly turned into confusion " I- I am katipunan, Katipunan Maharlika" kati spoke hesitantly as if he wasn't sure. This made Germany smile,  the fact that Katipunan was able to remember who he was meant that the plan was successful, he sighed in relief and got from his chair,  "yes that is correct  you are Katipunan Maharlika" , he walked closer to him,  "I know you still have questions to ask, but I also know that you are the only one who can answer those questions, so for now," Germany put down the book he was holding down in the table next to him, " why don't you read this and asked yourself who you are?, I am sure that you will still have questions even after you figure that one out and I will come back later to answer them,  until then,  try and remember who you are" he opened the door but as he was about to leave,  without looking at him, he said one more thing, "I do hope you figure it out soon,  he would be very happy to see you guys again" and with that he left, leaving Kati with a strange book and confused about everything he said.

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