Christmas woes

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"Pap cm special."

Somewhere in the future.

It's funny how so many things can happen within just a few months.

Not that Phil's complaining, but he would really appreciate it if someone had at least given him a heads-up.

Oh well, guess he can't change things now.

He snipped off the edges of the ribbon and smiled; he was finally done wrapping all of the gifts for his friends and family. Every Christmas, he always gets this weird feeling once he realizes just how many friends he has, and they keep increasing every year. If he keeps this up, he might actually find himself broke during Christmas in just a few years, given the number of gifts he has to buy.

Gently, he placed all the gifts in a bag and lifted it over his shoulder.

He made his way to the "Asian house," as they like to call it. It was supposed to be a place to hold meetings, but at some point, it sort of just turned into a home.

Walking inside, he was greeted by a bunch of happy faces, greeting him a Merry Christmas.

He smiled and greeted them back.

Later, he joined his family in the celebration.


The party ended well; everyone was happy with all the gifts they got from Phil, but he had to leave early, much to their dismay.

Phil knew that even though the lights were merry and everyone was so jolly, there would always be a couple of countries feeling lonely during these celebrations.

Said countries also made up around 55% of his friend list.

So now, Phil can be found traveling by himself during the middle of the night, delivering presents to those who weren't at the party.

The night was almost near its end, and in a couple of hours, it would be a new day.

Luckily for him, there was only one more country left, and he knows exactly where he would be at times like this.

He walked up the hill, and there he was, sitting on the edge of the cliff, eyes closed, relishing the breeze.

Phil raised a hand. “Northie!” he called happily.

North Korea’s eyes snapped open, and he turned around, meeting Phil's gaze. A small smile made its way onto his face. “Phil… hi…”

Phil ran up and stood next to him. “I knew you would be here…” he smiled, “how are you doing today, Noke?”

(Phil tends to get “creative” with nicknames; he got Noke from fusing North Korea together and getting rid of a few letters.)

“Hmm…” North looked down, his hand grabbing onto some grass. “I… don't know…”

Phil tilted his head in confusion. His eyes darted towards North’s other hand, where he held his phone, on the screen played South Korea's Livestream during the party.

“Hmm,” Phil sat down next to him, his legs dangling off the cliff. He leaned against the other. “Noke… tell me things.”

North simply turned his head away from the other.

Phil sighed and held North's chin, forcing him to look him in the eye. “North… you know… I don't like seeing you like this…” he gave a small smile, “I'm your friend, you know?... I want you to tell me things so I can help.”

North looked him in the eyes before sighing. He scratched at his arm. “I know… I…” he took a deep breath and leaned on Phil, “I… I'm jealous, I guess… It's just so unfair…” he looked towards the dark sky. “South is able to have so much fun… spending it with friends without a care in the world… it…it just bothers me so much… he's so carefree, but I'm still here… mulling over the fact that I won't be able to spend Christmas with my brother anymore…” he wiped a tear from his eye that threatened to fall.

Phil rubbed his back quietly as he slumped. “I know how you feel… but don't lose so much hope,” he smiled, “as long as the two of you are still here, there's still a chance of fixing things between you, and someday… maybe… you would be able to spend Christmas together again… Like you used to…”

“And if that doesn't happen?” North asked with a shaky breath. “I don't wanna cling onto some false hope-”

“Then I'll be here,” Phil interrupted, “even if your relationship with South gets fixed or not,” he smiles and holds his hands. “I'll be here for you, and I'll gladly spend every Christmas with you,” he presses kisses on the back of North's hands. “I'll be with you… always.”

North stared with wide eyes before shaking his head with a fond smile. “Now I see why everyone is after you…” he whispers under his breath.

“What was that?”

“Nothing,” North says with a smile. He wraps his arms around Phil and pulls him into a tight hug. “Thank you…”

Phil hugs him tightly, “of course…”

They break the hug, and Phil goes to grab the last gift in his bag. A beautiful present wrapped in navy blue and a golden ribbon.

He hands it to North.

“Merry Christmas, North Korea.”

North’s smile widens as he lets out a little giggle. “You really are the best, aren't you?”

“I try.”

He takes the gift from Phil and holds it close to his chest. “Thank you…

And… Merry Christmas…”



Wattpad does not import tiktok vids (no normal vids too) apperantly. I swear the amount of issues I find with Wattpad is starting to pile up real high.

That video is made by yours truly

Spoiler, they killed Mals ex bf

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