ch 15 preview

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Ch. 15
Phil and Taiwan sat in front of one another In a dark room, only slightly illuminated by the lamp on the table. The lights off for dramatic effect.

The tension in the air was so thick you would need an axe to cut it.

"So you're telling me...that I get to take revenge on that annoying communist?"
Taiwan spoke breaking the silence, a grin slowly making its way to his face.

"Yes" Phil confirmed nonchalantly.

Taiwan flashed a mischievous grin and slapped the table. "Alright! I'm in!"

"Glad to have you on board tai" Phil smiled. "Alright!" Phil stood up, "lights on please, we got the deal!" He clapped his hands and the lights turned on. He held his hand out to Taiwan for a handshake.

They shook hands. "So!" Said Taiwan, "how are we gonna do this plan of yours anyways?, Are you sure this won't cause a war?" Taiwan teased.

"Of course not!" Phil gasped dramaticaly putting his hand on his chest. " If you must know, the rice gang has won best pranksters awards for 10 years in a row!" It was true, the best pranksters awards was given by UN himself. This was to lower the risk of the country's starting wars over stupid things called 'pranks.'

Taiwan rolled his eyes, "yeah sure. What else do you guys need me to do anyways?" He turned to Indo who was leaning on the door. " You know, aside from pretending to be the USSR" He asked while dramaticaly waving his hands in the air.

Indo pulls out his phone and typed something. Soon, a notification rang from Taiwan's phone.

"Those are all about Soviet, you're going to have to read them to make the act convincing" said indo.

Taiwan frowned as he scrolled through the giant document. "I HAVE to read all of this?! This is ridiculous!" He Yelled.

"We put his diary in there too" Mal added.

Taiwan's expression changed from agitated to curiosity. "You know what maybe I'll read this tonight"


This may or may not change in the official chap. -author

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