ch 14. Revelations

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"Hello, mic test 1, mic test 2, can everyone hear me?" Germany's voice echoed from the speakers above, catching every country's attention. "Is this working? "Good." He went up the stage. "Good evening, everyone. I'm sure you all have a lot of questions, so please gather over here on the stage so we can explain what is happening." He announced, but no one seemed to listen, so he gave the mic to Japan.

 "Konichiwa mina-San! If you could please come over here to the stage, We have an announcement to make! Please, sir, sit down on the floor. We would offer you a chair, but there are too many of you; the chairs aren't enough, so please understand." She smiled as she watched the country's gather. 

She turned to Germany, who had a shocked look on his face. "What's wrong, Ger-kun? " She asked.

 "How did you get them to move? "He asked in astonishment.

 Japan simply smiled, she walked a few steps before turning back on her heel. She flipped her hair like a supermodel , "It's all about charm  Germany, something you clearly lack." she said with a grin on her face.

Germany crossed his arms , "I have charms, you know; I have plenty of girls after me."he pouted.

 "And 90 percent of them are in love with your money."

 He frowned and rubbed his forehead. He knew that she was right. He sighed, "What about the other 10 percent? " 

"People who love workaholics." 

They turned their attention to the people down below; most of them were already sitting on the floor. From the stage, Germany could see his father being dragged on the leg by the Soviet Union. "It looks like those two are getting along better than I thought. I'll talk to Vater later," he thought. 

At some point, the gunshot brothers (Martial Law and Del Pillar) found their way to the room just before the announcement. Martial took a look around, admiring the design and structure of the room. Among the crowd, he spotted a familiar red man. "Is that-" "Mar! Let's go! Germany is making an announcement! " Del shouted. Martial eyed the man suspiciously before running after his brother.

 "I hope that everyone's here," said Germany. He looked over to the side to see the UN. He nodded and said, "Alright everyone, settle down. I know you have a lot of questions; we're going to start answering them. Mr. UN here will tell you everything you need to know. 

 UN walked up to the stage, with the EU and ASEAN following closely behind. EU fiddled with his collar; he scanned the room nervously. He still couldn't believe that the revival had worked. UN tapped the mic, "Good evening, everyone. I'm sure you are all confused as to what is happening." He pointed to ASEAN and the EU. "We have prepared something to explain the main situation; any other questions you have will be answered by one of the workers, so please pay attention." 

The lights turned off, startling everyone. Slowly, a gigantic TV lowered from the ceiling. The TV turned on, catching everyone's attention. Most of them have never seen a television, some not even knowing what it is. 

ASEAN stepped up onto the pedestal, taking the mic from Un. "Good evening. May I please have everyone's attention?" He breathed in. "First of all, welcome back everyone. I'm sure all of you have some vivid memories of how you died. I'm here to catch you up on the past few years. I am the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN for short." he introduced.

 He grabbed the remote and changed the slide on the TV. He heard some 'whoa' and "what?' from the country's. He chuckled, "Impressive, isn't it? " He gestured to the TV and said, "This is called a television; it shows pictures and videos. Videos are pictures that move." He explained proudly. He felt like he was teaching this to a bunch of toddlers. "Anyways," he said, changing the slide again. The slide showed the date. 

"Today is September 1st, 2023." He paused briefly, giving them time to let the information sink in. He heard gasps and murmurs from the country, and soon the quiet room was bustling with noise. 

EU stepped up and said, "Everyone, please calm down; I know this is hard to understand." The crowd slowly went quiet, wanting to listen. He took a deep breath, calming down. "I know it's hard to understand. But it has been several years, decades, maybe even centuries since you died. Today is September 1, 2023; this is the present. NOT the future; it's the present. The present you lived in is now the PAST," he explained, silently hoping the others understood what he had been saying. 

If the countries were confused, they didn't show it. They all simply stayed quiet and nodded their heads. UN sighed; this was going to be harder than they originally thought.

 ASEAN cleared his throat, catching everyone's attention. He smiled, switched the slide, and on the screen flashed questions: "Why am I here? Why am I still alive? How??? ' These questions on the screen were written in big, bold fonts. 

UN was impressed by how ASEAN managed to put together a PowerPoint in such a short time. that's the power that comes with being an Asian I think.

"I'm sure all of you have these questions in mind; allow us to answer." ASEAN clicked the button. "You are part of our project revival; we've been working on this project for years." ASEAN showed pictures of them working on the labs. "This project aims to bring back the past leaders and help the present leaders," he continues. "We brought you back here to serve as a guide and an advisor for the present country leaders."

 EU stepped up onto the pedestal. "We are aware that there are some countries here that don't deserve to be revived," he said, slightly glaring at the Soviet Union and Reich from the side. "But we need all the help we can get," he said, clasping his hands together. "Now, we're not saying that the world's going through a crisis. No, no; on the contrary, everything's going well. We just think that it would be better to have a little assistance, that's all." Murmurs could be heard from the crowd as they talked to each other. 

"Anyways..."  UN spoke, capturing everyone's attention. "That is what you should know; I'm sure you have more questions. You can ask any of the facility workers, and they will give answers. HOWEVER, they will not answer any questions related to the details of the project revival."

 UN knew that they would still ask or make their investigations about the plans and methods of the revival, but then again... You can't find something that doesn't exist. This wasn't a problem for the organization. They can investigate all they want, but they won't get anything. Especially since THEY, the organizations that caused the revival in the first place.  did not know how it happened. They have no idea how they brought these dead people to life. 

They are trying their best to stay calm.

 He cleared his throat. "Anyways, you will be kept here for some training and evaluation. We will be filling you in on the details of what happened during the past few years that you have been gone. What kind of details? For example," he pointed to his microphone. "Most of you don't know what this is; this is called a microphone; it makes your voice louder so everyone can hear you." 

The crowd went ohhh. 

"We will teach you lots of things while you're here. None of you are allowed to leave the building. This is to make sure no one ruins the surprise we are planning. For now, there is no need to concern yourself with such things. Simply enjoy reuniting with your family. Thank you for your attention." And with that, the UN left the stage, with ASEAN and the EU following closely behind. 

"I'm sorry," said ASEAN. "But WE planned something?" 

"Yeah, I can't remember you telling us about this," said EU. 

"Yes, we did." The UN looked at them and smiled. "We did just now." 

"No, we didn't."

 "Yes, we did." UN repeated "We did just now."

EU raised a brow at him.

"Well, we're talking about it now," UN said, a smug expression on his face.

 ASEAN rubbed his forehead and sighed. "Can you AT LEAST tell us what you're planning?" 

"Come into my office, and you'll be surprised."

Soon, it's almost near
- author

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