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Chapter 77: A Row of Large Refrigerators


The people from White City could only think of this word in their minds now.

Who the hell told them that Crimson City was a solitary city? That it was a barren, desolate city?
Look, what did they all see?

In front of them, amidst the endless yellow sand, was a magnificent city that seemed like a miracle right before their eyes?

Shao Yu rubbed his eyes and said incredulously, "Is this... Crimson City?"

Even he probably didn't know that his voice involuntarily raised.

Little Chang Kong Jun and Little Pi Mao covered their faces, feeling embarrassed, just like the people from the marginal Tribes felt when they first arrived at their White City.

Even Shao Hao coughed, reminding the people from White City that they were representing White City now.

Unfortunately, it was useless. In the face of a miraculous city, no one could remain calm.

Not to mention those who had never seen such a city in this world before, even if they were on Earth, seeing such a city in the desert, apart from being shocked, there probably would be no other reaction.

These people had traversed the desolate Crimson for a long time, and suddenly seeing such a different city, that kind of soul-shaking feeling couldn't be replaced by anything.

The people from Crimson City stood tall and proud. Did you see that? This was their Crimson City, destined to shock all beings on earth.

To be honest, even they felt like they were still living in a dream.

Zhuang Yu also had a smile on his face. Besides developing Crimson City, the purpose of all this was also to impress the delegation from White City who came to negotiate, so that Crimson City could gain a more favorable position.

Zhuang Yu coughed and said, "Please."

The people from White City only snapped out of it then and followed Zhuang Yu onto the stone arch bridge, which was the bridge over the moat.

Walking in a daze on the stone bridge, looking at the sparkling water under their feet and the lotus leaves in the river.

Clearly, it was just grass planted in the water, but it looked incredibly beautiful.

And this river surrounded the entire Crimson City. This was the desolate Crimson, and the scenery was completely unimaginable.

On both sides of the moat, the fruit trees had grown as big as willows, swaying in the wind.

The people from White City looked silly, staring at everything.

The wooden monsters rolling in the river continuously lifted water splashes and irrigated both banks.

From time to time, strange hollowed-out wooden logs floated in the water, with people standing on them, sprinkling strange nets into the water. When they pulled them up, the nets were full of white fish.

Zhuang Yu said, "The customs of my Crimson City are quite different from elsewhere, aren't they?"

As a result, the people from White City were dumbfounded, too overwhelmed to answer him.

Especially when they walked past the stone arch bridge and saw the unique urban gardening inside, with neatly arranged flower beds, square and tidy, it was hard to take their eyes off.

The flowers they usually saw were just a few here and there on the mountain, nothing like the artistic appearance after being carefully cultivated through specialized gardening outside Crimson City.

Infrastructure Craze (BL) (Full English Translation)Where stories live. Discover now