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Chapter 21 Bringing the Chickens Back

At the entrance of the Golden Centipede Tribe's territory, many people had gathered early in the morning.

Shao Hao was counting the number of people. "Is the hunting team all here?"

A group of people glanced at each other. The hunting team from their Tribe was all there, but suddenly, a voice came from not far away. "Yes, here's our Heart Hunting Team!"

A group of kids were pushing a cart excitedly, their faces flushed with excitement.

Everyone was taken aback. Weren't these Zhuang Yu and the kids from the collective cave? What were they doing here? Did they want to go hunting too? Wasn't that ridiculous? What did they think hunting was?

However, news had spread recently about Zhuang Yu taking care of a group of kids from the collective cave. Some people were curious how Zhuang Yu managed to feed so many children. But some still thought it was a joke. It was embarrassing for the White Pupil Tribe to think that the Golden Centipede Tribe couldn't even control their own children, let alone letting them go hunting.

The people from the White Pupil Tribe were indeed surprised. Such a thing would never happen in their Tribe.

The people from the Golden Centipede Tribe were about to say something when Shao Hao loudly declared, "Everyone is here. Let's go."

Little Ming was riding on his deer, looking at the excited children. Heart Hunting Team? Maybe only he would remember that name.

Zhuang Yu and the others were already following behind Shao Hao, pushing the cart.

Zhuang Yu was afraid the little mushroom and short legs couldn't keep up, so he put the short legs on his shoulders. The little mushroom stood proudly on his shoulder, holding a small stick and pointing forward. "Let's go, let's go!"

Proud as can be, when important people make an appearance, everyone pays attention. Look, now everyone is looking at the little mushroom.

Everyone was a bit confused. According to the rules, a team had to be led by an adult beast warrior. So Zhuang Yu from the Collective Cave was leading them? What kind of beast warrior was he? Just because of that strange little mushroom on his shoulder? Wasn't that embarrassing?

The people from the White Pupil Tribe looked disdainful. What kind of beast was this mushroom?

Although Zhuang Yu was not from the Golden Centipede Tribe, the children he led were. In a way, it was also embarrassing for the Golden Centipede Tribe.

But since Shao Hao didn't say anything, they didn't say anything either. They couldn't let the people from the White Pupil Tribe see their internal discord.

With this strange little team added to the massive group, it didn't look like they were going hunting at all.

According to the rules of hunting, whatever the hunting team caught could be eaten. Although there wouldn't be any powerful beasts where they were going this time, it definitely wasn't a place for children to play around. They could imagine the children would be hungry. This would be a lesson for them.

A group of beasts began to move outward, with Zhuang Yu's peculiar little team following behind.

Others rode beasts while they walked. Was it hard?

It was definitely hard, but the group of children were so excited that they didn't care about the difficulty.

They walked out of the territory and into the endless mountains. Huge ancient trees surrounded them, and sunlight filtered through the leaves, leaving dappled spots of light.

Infrastructure Craze (BL) (Full English Translation)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora