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Chapter 90 The Opportunist

Zhuang Yu and Little Mushroom stood on a high vantage point, observing the entire exam scene.

Little Mushroom was eagerly using binoculars to watch, occasionally pointing with his fingers to show Zhuang Yu something, and laughing uncontrollably on the ground.

This was just an exam, not a life-and-death battle, so students weren't allowed to bring giant beasts into the arena. Nonetheless, it was still extremely exciting.

The entire battlefield was divided into nine zones, each dominated by a study group with young lords.

They all made the same choice: first snatch the tokens from one zone to ensure the basic number of tokens, and then fight with other young lords.

In addition to Yu Shi and Feng Hou burning one zone with flames, and Ye Chao occupying another with bugs, the remaining seven zones were also bustling.

The area where Shuang Tong was located was filled with white mist. Any student entering it would be unable to see their hand in front of their face, and their eyebrows and hair would instantly frost over, making movement extremely slow.

If they didn't leave that area, and continued walking inside, their whole body would start to freeze.

The caves where Feng Wen and Ant were hiding happened to be on the edge of the white mist area.

Looking towards the mist, Ant said, "Shall we go and butter up to them?"

It was a very good suggestion; their group had three young lords, they were sure to win.

The two little radishes' eyes curved with smiles.

However, when Feng Wen reached out a finger from the cave into the white mist outside, and then pulled it back in, the whole finger was covered in ice crystals, even at the edge.

Feng Wen shook his head vigorously. "No, no, we'll be frozen into popsicles."

Ant picked up Feng Wen's finger and started nibbling on it. There was ice, so it shouldn't go to waste, even though it didn't taste like much. It would be great with some honey.

The two little radishes decided to stay safe inside the cave. They were scared, but they never denied that slacking off was justified.

But things always had some unexpected turns.

Just as the two little radishes were determined not to go out no matter what, a figure appeared in their line of sight.

Weaving thought his luck was simply bursting, he actually found a token on the ground.

For a student like him, who didn't have much strength, being able to get a token was a big contribution to the group.

Weaving tightly held onto the token. He needed to find a safe place to dig a hole and hide inside, guarding this token until the end of the exam.

Feng Wen and Ant blinked their eyes as they watched the kid outside acting like a thief.

"Isn't that Weaving? What's he sneakily doing?"

"Look at what he's holding in his hand."

The two little radishes looked at each other. A token!

Their eyes gleamed.

Ant patted his chest. "Let's snatch it from him. We're all weaklings; there's nothing to fear."

If it had been other students passing by, they would have been trembling in fear. But it turned out to be another weakling like them.

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