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Chapter 37: Even Bears Want to Drink Honey Water

In the market, the people who entered were all dumbfounded.

What did they see?

Inside the squares drawn on the ground, each square had a square stone, and on each stone were various pottery pieces.

At first glance, it was dazzling and delightful, with no end in sight.

They were from the White Great City's White Deer Tribe, their knowledge was definitely beyond ordinary people. They had seen pottery before, but...

The dazzling scene made them gulp saliva incessantly, rubbing their eyes continuously-so many pottery pieces.

They had never seen pottery in this way before. They had only seen a few pieces at most when they visited the Red people, but now...

Was this the pottery exhibition that the Archmage talked about?

That wasn't the main point; the main point was that the pottery pieces on the stones, oh my god, were they too exaggerated, too peculiar, too beautiful?

If Zhuang Yu knew how they felt now, he would surely tell them that this was pottery, his hobby. Pottery, undoubtedly, was extremely eye-catching.

For example, the first one-a giant turtle holding a huge bowl. The bowl looked like it could hold a lot.

The key was the giant turtle; wasn't it their White Great City's ancestral beast, the Hegemonic Dark Tortoise? It was lifelike.

For the White Deer Tribe, the significance of the Hegemonic Dark Tortoise was different.

The people of the White Deer Tribe didn't even blink their eyes, unable to close their mouths.


This was too beautiful.

My god, could pottery be like this?

Then they puffed up their chests. Who would dare to say that their White Great City was barbaric in the future? Look at their pottery; damn, it was too beautiful.

Even the pottery they had envied from the Red people before, compared to their pottery now, seemed extremely rough.

The people of the White Deer Tribe couldn't bear to leave, still wanting to look.

Look at this giant turtle, look at the bowl on this giant turtle, damn, it was so delicate. They felt sorry at the thought of using such a bowl to hold food.

This should be collected as a treasure.

A group of children had already gone to pull those people who were standing with their mouths open, not moving forward. "Why aren't you walking? The people behind are waiting to come in, and there are seventy-one other Tribes."

The crowd: "..."

They couldn't even be dragged, these people didn't even blink their eyes.

The children looked extremely bitter. Oh my, these people were too disobedient. "What are you doing just standing here? There are many, many more pottery pieces to see behind."

No, they had seen enough with just this one.

The children were stern, "If you don't leave, I'll let Brother Yu chase you out. Don't look down on us just because we're young. Brother Yu said that if people don't follow our rules or listen to us, we have the right to expel them."

A group of children began to drag people forward, saying "Aiya aiya" as they pulled.

The people of the White Deer Tribe finally moved forward step by step, reluctant to leave. They still wanted to look.

Infrastructure Craze (BL) (Full English Translation)Where stories live. Discover now