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Chapter 87 Soap, Shampoo

On the sandy ground outside the Crimson Land City, a group of students were writing and drawing with branches.

It can be said that today was their first formal learning of characters, and the excitement in their hearts was imaginable.

Although the characters written in the sand were weird, they still couldn't contain their passion.

Many children from the Crimson Great City were also practicing writing on the sandy ground because Zhuang Yu said that their workbooks were very precious and needed to be used sparingly.

The paper was indeed scarce, as the tree bark used to make it had to be purchased from afar, while trees were abundant outside but had to be bought in the Crimson Land, which cost money.

The sandy ground was actually a good method for practicing characters; after writing, they could just smooth it out.

The children of the Crimson Great City laughed at the characters written by foreign students on the sand, covering their mouths; they looked really ugly.

But when foreign students looked at the characters written by children from the Crimson Great City, weren't they mostly similar?

Well, it truly was the pot calling the kettle black.

In the midst of the excitement, regardless of how well they were learning, the learning atmosphere was still good.

Foreign merchants intentionally or unintentionally passed by the sandy ground, their eyes staring straight at the symbols on the sand.

They couldn't understand, but it had only been a day, and these students who came to the Crimson Great City could already write characters?

The world was changing. At least, these border Tribes bordering the Crimson Land would undergo huge changes.

The students practiced writing on the sandy ground repeatedly. The weather was extremely hot, and sweat dripped onto the ground.

Apart from their enthusiasm for learning characters, they also had to shoulder some other responsibilities, so this effort was necessary.

As dusk approached, the children of the Crimson Great City left first. They still had to go back to round up the cattle and sheep grazing on the grassland and bring some mulberry leaves back to feed the silkworms at home. Now, the mulberry trees they planted were growing tall, with lush green leaves, but the only problem was that the cattle and sheep occasionally gnawed them bare.

Zhuang Yu stood on the city wall, looking outside. Now, they had a little more silk, and some adults from individual Tribes had already put on new pants. This was just the beginning; the Crimson Great City would undergo earth-shaking changes and become a giant city of silk, a holy land that all Tribes aspired to.

The next morning, Zhuang Yu conducted his class as usual, having the students open their "Language" textbooks.

A group of students took out their brick-sized textbooks very carefully, fearing they might damage them.

They had already washed their hands clean before class for some reason.

For some reason, looking at their textbooks gave them a feeling of pilgrimage, especially when they flipped open the book and saw the densely packed symbols inside; this feeling intensified.

Zhuang Yu said, "Characters are the symbol of civilization, the foundation of all inheritance. Now, everyone turn to the first page of the textbook..."

All the students felt a solemn feeling in their hearts; they were learning characters.

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