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Chapter 32 Making Tofu

In the White Great City, things have been quite lively recently. It's all because a group of children have been making a fuss about running away from home to Tongshan.

Without seeing young Lord Chang Kong Jun, who now spends every day soaking in the pool like Pi Mao, feeling as comfortable as an immortal. Running away from home seems nice.

On Tongshan, Young Lord Chang Kong Jun, in order to stay, has already seen himself as a laborer, eagerly grabbing every opportunity to work every day, fearing being driven away. Living in water like this every day is simply too blissful.

A group of little radishes happily shouted at the sky, "Big fish, clean the pool."

The blue big fish in the sky descended and splashed into the pool, causing the water to overflow. The group of little radishes quickly grabbed prepared animal skins and jumped into the pool to scrub the bottom. Because pear blossoms occasionally fell into the pool, even though the water was fresh, they still had to clean the pool every now and then.

This was their invented method of cleaning the pool, where they didn't need to drain it; just let the big fish descend into the pool, and half of the water would rush out. With quick movements, they could clean the pool thoroughly.

The pear trees began to shed more heavily as the small green pears grew bigger and bigger.

Seeing the tree full of small pears made the group of little radishes drool. When they ripen, there will be so many fruits.

As the pear blossoms fell, the bees had somewhere else to go.

Zhuang Yu's large plots of chili peppers and soybeans had already blossomed, giving these bees a broader horizon.

These days, Little Mushroom, stubborn as ever, was punished to stand in the corner every day. Pouting, Little Mushroom was determined to eat tastier than meat beans. Even its precious pear tree had slowed its growth a bit; otherwise, the pear blossoms would fall even earlier.

With hands behind its back, Little Mushroom stood proudly in the corner, thinking, "Humph, can't they see how fast the devil fruit and beans are growing?"

Now, Tongshan had a different look, with green fields dotted with tiny flowers and bees dancing.

At least in front of their cave, it looked like this because the cultivated land extended from the front of the cave to the foot of the mountain.

"Will our honey taste like devil fruit? I see the bees all flying to the devil fruit flowers."

"Yeah, Brother Yu, will our honey still be sweet?"

A group of little radishes worried about some far-fetched ideas. They had secretly peeked into the beehive, and there was already a lot of honey inside, waiting to be harvested for sweet honey water.

Zhuang Yu: "..."

Truly carefree age.

While Zhuang Yu lamented others' carefree lives, in the eyes of a group of children, he was like a poetic youth.

Especially when he rode his blue big fish to inspect his fields every day, those children queuing up to fetch water on the mountain looked up at the carefree youth between heaven and land.

Zhuang Yu had very little contact with the children of the White Great City. If he didn't provide them with water to drink, they might not have any connection at all. But because of their limited contact, it seemed to add a layer of mystery to him.

Zhuang Yu's hair had grown a bit long, standing on the big fish, blowing in the wind, different from the typical appearance of ordinary people, with a slender body.

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