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Chapter 38: A Flower as White as Jade

Zhuang Yu was a bit bewildered. The bear-like creature in front of him, Shao Hao's bear companion, was staring at him with big eyes, looking silly, and kept handing the bamboo tube in its hand to him.

They looked at each other in confusion.

It seemed that the creature was afraid Zhuang Yu didn't understand, so it brought the bamboo tube to his mouth, mimicking drinking from it, and then handed it back to Zhuang Yu, indicating it wanted sweet water and wanted a whole bucket of it.

Zhuang Yu: "..."

With such commotion, both the little mushroom and the group of little radishes were awakened. They ran to the entrance of the cave to look outside.

The little mushroom giggled incessantly. This big silly one was really naive.

The group of little radishes chimed in, "Isn't that Brother Shao Hao's giant beast? Why is it here with Brother Yu?"

"Oh, I get it. It wants honey water."

"Brother Yu, we want honey water too."

Zhuang Yu twitched his mouth slightly, took the bamboo tube, alright, everyone could have a bowl of honey water and then go back to sleep.

After preparing a large bucket of honey water this time, Zhuang Yu distributed it to the group of little radishes. The rest was for the bear-like creature.

Holding the bamboo tube, the creature looked foolish, holding onto it tightly without letting go, nor leaving. It just lay there in front of Zhuang Yu's cave, occasionally rolling around happily.

Zhuang Yu thought to himself, if Shao Hao turned into this someday, it would be hilarious.

If the creature wanted to stay outside, let it stay. He couldn't drive it away anyway. But seeing how much it loved honey water, Zhuang Yu estimated that its honey consumption would increase dramatically in the future. Hopefully, Shao Hao could coax it back.

Just as Zhuang Yu was about to send the group of little radishes, who were amusing the creature, back to sleep, a sudden chaotic fire broke out at the foot of the mountain.

Zhuang Yu was stunned. What was happening?

The group of little radishes also exclaimed, "It's our market, our market is on fire!"

In the middle of the night, how could there be a fire? Zhuang Yu frowned. And wasn't Shao Hao down there? The fire should have been extinguished immediately once it broke out. It couldn't have been allowed to spread.

"Brother Yu, what should we do? That's our market."

Down the mountain, a brawl was taking place.

Unexpectedly, someone actually came to the market to steal pottery.

The thief held a piece of pottery and tried to escape, but the people from White Great City had caught up.

Suddenly, something shot out of the thief's hand with a flick of his wrist.

With just a flick of his hand, over a dozen black blades shot out, aided by a powerful force, filling the air with the sound of blades slicing through.

If Zhuang Yu had seen it, he would have recognized what the person had thrown. Surprisingly, they were iron-made tools, resembling small knives.

"The Thousand-Hand Tribe under the Crimson City's command?" the pursuers from White Great City exclaimed.

As the small knives shot towards them, a strange scene unfolded. The knives pierced through the pursuers' bodies, but no blood was drawn, and the pursuers continued talking as if nothing had happened.

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