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Chapter 143 Joint Operations

The news of Red City mobilizing troops not only left the peripheral tribes breathless but also cast a gloomy atmosphere over Zhuang Yu and the other four major forces.

In order to counter Red City's forces, each force had to frequently mobilize troops and deploy them to the border. Their scouts were also crazily active, constantly roaming around.

Crimson City was no exception. Although Zhuang Yu was currently with the Faceless Tribe, the people from the Four Seasons War Tribe sent battle reports to him every day, sometimes even more frequently.

The recent news Zhuang Yu received was that Red City's scouts had started frequenting these peripheral tribes.

Zhuang Yu knew what they were up to; it was the same as his own goal, to woo these peripheral tribes.

With the impending war, although these peripheral tribes were in chaos, once unified, they formed a force that couldn't be ignored. Everyone feared that in the midst of fighting tooth and nail, they might end up being taken advantage of by someone else. Therefore, these peripheral tribes couldn't remain neutral and would inevitably be drawn into the war.

However, Zhuang Yu's way of wooing the peripheral tribes seemed very kind compared to Red City.

When their scouts contacted these peripheral tribes, it was just one sentence: either submit to Red City or be destroyed.

Red City normally looked down on other tribes, so how could they lower themselves?

In their eyes, if these peripheral tribes didn't submit to the number one power, Red City, who else could they submit to? Did they think they could wait to be destroyed by Red City?

Before the start of the war, the peripheral tribes were the first to face the choice, and each peripheral tribe had to make a decision.

Because, as Red City said, the consequence of not submitting would probably be becoming a sacrifice before the war between the Five Great Powers even began.

In the past, they had almost no choice. It seemed that Red City was dominant, and even if the other four major forces united, they could only barely support themselves.

But now, considering Red City's oppression and the fairness and justice proclaimed by Crimson City, as well as the development of the Faceless Tribe after joining Crimson City, this choice became difficult and arduous.

Because joining Red City would likely mean being used as cannon fodder in battle, and Red City wouldn't treat them equally. These small tribes couldn't resist Red City's decisions either.

The conditions for joining Crimson City were good, but Red City was just too powerful.

Zhuang Yu didn't force them to choose because Red City would force them. Let Red City be the bad guy.

Now the situation had become urgent. Zhuang Yu visited the Devouring Blood Tribe as planned, helped them plan the construction of the horror theme park, and then hurried back to White City. This exchange with White City might have to end early, but before it ended, there must be a coalition among the various forces, and now they had to establish the foundation for a joint operation.

The news of the Devouring Blood Tribe joining Crimson City also caused a huge stir among the peripheral tribes.

"Another tribe has joined Crimson City."

"Aren't they afraid of Red City's strength?"

"Even if Red City ultimately wins, it will be their victory, not ours. What connection do we, these peripheral tribes, have with them? Even if we join them, will they share any benefits with us in the end?"

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