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Chapter 104: The Blood Coffin of the Qingming Solar Term

In front of Ye Chao, arrows continued to fly out of the mountain of insects.

The insect swarm kept dying, but even more insects kept replenishing it.

The insect mountain was still moving, indicating that Sleeve Arrow inside was trying to escape the encirclement of the insects, but it seemed futile.

It's imaginable that Sleeve Arrow's current environment is completely shrouded in darkness, with all kinds of creepy insects around, how terrifying it must be.

But what terrified him even more was the feeling that the green blood on his hair was infiltrating him, and there were sounds of insects biting frantically on his hair.

The sight of being eaten by insects would be especially disgusting and ugly.

Ye Chao looked at the wriggling insect mountain in front of him and muttered, "Let the Young Prodigy ranked first on your weapons repertoire come."

The former third-ranked Awakening of Insects from the Twenty-Four Solar Terms, even if it is almost disappearing into endless years, will still shine its brightest light.

Finally, the defenders of Red Great City appeared. If they didn't show up soon, the Young Prodigy of Red Great City would be eaten alive by the insects.

The defender of Red Great City signaled for Ye Chao to move the insect swarm away. He would take Sleeve Arrow away and no longer participate in the battle.

The insect mountain disappeared, revealing Sleeve Arrow inside.

Sleeve Arrow was indeed a Young Prodigy. Even in such a situation, he still put up necessary defenses.

Sleeve Arrow's whole body resembled a durian. He was enveloped in a shell made of arrows from all directions, and the gaps between the arrows were blocked by hair squeezed out from the inside, without any ventilation.

A durian covered in hair?

A very strange technique. Arrows kept shooting out from inside this shell, and the insect swarm just now was killed by this. It can be said to be a very formidable technique that combines defense and attack.

But in the end, he would still fail because no matter how many weapons he carried, there would be a time when they would be exhausted. And Ye Chao's insects came from the endless mountain forests, making it impossible to break through the Awakening of Insects technique, so killing as many insects as possible would be useless.

When Sleeve Arrow was rescued, his face was pale, as if the whole world was filled with malice towards him.

When Sleeve Arrow left, he said, "From you, I seem to see how the Twenty-Four Solar Terms dominated the earth during the Three Great Citys era."

It can be considered that he's a Young Prodigy who can accept defeat.

After Sleeve Arrow left, Ye Chao looked at the mountain in front of him. The mountain was once again surrounded by insects. He didn't even need to go up the mountain; he could defend it just by hiding, and anyone who came to attack the mountain would face the insects on the mountain. Killing them would only be replenished automatically.

Except for Yushi Fenghou, Shuang Tong, and Red Great City, who took down the third mountain.

At this time, Feisha and Ducang are about to take down the fourth mountain.

The battle between Feisha and Ducang seemed very easy, but also extremely strange.

Even Feisha, when looking at Ducang now, felt very strange.

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