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Chapter 116: Little Chicken Chicks

Saying that measuring temperature was a difficult problem wasn't entirely true. Since they could now produce glass, making a thermometer was feasible. However, due to technical issues, the temperature measured by this thermometer might not be very accurate. However, if it was only used to measure the approximate temperature of the hatchery, it would suffice.

Zhuang Yu thought for a moment, continuing to have people build the hatchery while he went to tinker with the thermometer. Their hatchery was built inside the city because temperature needed constant monitoring, and it would be more convenient if it was built inside.

Apart from temperature, the hatchery also required dim light. Therefore, besides glass windows, everything else was made of bricks. Even the glass windows were covered with black animal hide curtains, which could be drawn to block out all light.

Zhuang Yu spent most of his time attending classes and researching thermometers. Whenever he had time, he would check on the progress of the hatchery. However, recently, the students seemed to be acting a bit strangely after class. As soon as Zhuang Yu dismissed the class, a group of students would make earth-shattering calls.

"Grab Hong! Don't let him go on another mission; he's been teaching for several days in a row!"

"Ahh, Hong, don't run away; let us have some fun too!"

"Hong, you can't teach at all; why do you keep snatching missions? Ahhh!"

Zhuang Yu was confused. Did this mean that Hong, the little teacher who had been teaching the youths outside recently, was the one they were referring to? These days, Zhuang Yu had been busy setting up the hatchery and hadn't paid attention to how the new mission was going. But seeing how excitedly Hong was running around, was he really enjoying it?

But could Hong's image really teach well? Zhuang Yu shook his head and let them fuss about it.

After a few days passed like this, Zhuang Yu's hatchery was finally completed with overtime work, and he also made a thermometer. It looked similar to the ones on Earth, but the effect, well, it was usable, albeit not very accurate.

Zhuang Yu tested it out, setting one of the marks at forty degrees. Generally, incubation required a temperature between 35 to 40 degrees. However, here, during the day, the temperature often exceeded forty degrees, while at night, it dropped below thirty-five degrees. So, they had to use ice and a stove to regulate the temperature.

Zhuang Yu hung the thermometer in the hatchery and then had people collect some eggs, picking those that had been incubated by hens in nests for some time. Then he instructed them to inform the "carrot heads" who were hatching eggs at home to bring their eggs to the hatchery.

Indeed, these "carrot heads" had been returning home to hatch eggs whenever they had free time. They even slept with the eggs at night, showing remarkable dedication.

Before long, a group of excited "carrot heads" arrived, their faces flushed red. This was because Zhuang Yu had told them that the newly established hatchery might help them hatch their eggs.

Leading the group was a "carrot head" who wasn't carrying eggs; behind him was a bouncy little dinosaur. It was the "carrot head" who had accidentally hatched the little dinosaur. He was now leading the way for the others, who couldn't see the path due to carrying eggs.

Zhuang Yu looked at the little dinosaur's condition. It seemed very obedient already. In that case, this "carrot head" could be given a name.

"Oh, oh!" The group of "carrot heads" ran over, carrying eggs.

Infrastructure Craze (BL) (Full English Translation)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora