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Chapter 117: A Book Called "Midnight Ghost Stories"

"Yay, yay!" Little Mushroom picked up a chick and ran, drooling.

Hmph, whoever picks it up owns it. When it grows up, I'll kill it and eat it.

"Kong Chu, your little dinosaur is running with a little Chicken bird in its mouth."

The little dinosaur didn't hold back either, picking up the chick with its mouth and escaping, meat♪ meat, meat♪ meat.

There was a commotion, as these chicks might be small, but they were not easy to catch. Because they were small and agile, they kept wriggling everywhere. Some even ran into other people's houses, and the people resting at home didn't react for a while as they watched the little yellow chicks sneak in.

And each student had two chicks in their hands, with nowhere to put them. When catching them, they couldn't use too much force, afraid of accidentally killing the tender chicks.

Each student inexplicably ended up with two chicks, feeling puzzled. Were they just here to watch the excitement? Zhuang Yu had someone bring some baskets to put the chicks in, freeing up their hands.

Little Mushroom and the little dinosaur were also caught and the chicks were rescued from them.

Little Mushroom's nostrils were raised high, but Little Mushroom didn't care. Little Mushroom just wanted to help them raise them. These tiny chickens were not even worth Little Mushroom's attention.

Hmph, it had almost escaped just now, all because these students had cornered it in the alley. Its eyes kept looking at the baskets of little yellow chicks, not knowing what it was paying attention to.

Piles of little yellow chicks were put into baskets, looking quite cute. Some lively ones even flapped their wings, wanting to jump out.

Zhuang Yu had the students take the chicks outside the city and hand them over to the people of the Wanyang Tribe, who happened to be going to the sand outside the city to practice calligraphy, conveniently.

The Wanyang Tribe was responsible for raising Chickens and had experience in raising them.

The students carried the baskets and walked outside. Wherever they passed, heads turned.

People who saw them were also extremely surprised. "Why are there so many Chicken bird chicks?"

A group of "carrot heads" joyfully replied with smiles on their faces, "They were hatched in the hatchery today, so many, a big fluffy batch."

They were indeed happy because since they could hatch little Chickens, did it mean that their beast eggs could also hatch?

Even though those who heard the answer knew the reason, they still marveled at it. They had never seen so many chicks at once before.

And some people thought more deeply. Had the hatchery of Lord Shao been successful? Didn't that mean they could hatch more little Chickens in the future?

Chicken birds were really versatile. Now, in addition to the "carrot heads" in their family being able to eat Chicken bird eggs every day, they could also get some occasionally. Using the methods taught by Zhuang Yu, whether boiled or steamed in a bowl, the taste was simply amazing.

Moreover, Lord Shao said that the eggs of Chicken birds were particularly nutritious. Eating one a day was good for the body. Wasn't that a good thing?

Unfortunately, their auntie birds were still a bit few, so they couldn't eat them every day. But now, they could hatch little Chickens themselves, and there were so many of them at once. Unlike before, when the mother hen hatched them, they could only hatch one or two at a time.

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