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Chapter 136 Visiting the Disaster-ridden Family

Zhuang Yu's students were indeed polite, sharing their dried tofu with Hong's buddies and those timid Devouring Blood Tribe children who were peeking from afar, afraid to approach.

The children of the Devouring Blood Tribe, holding the dried tofu, stuffed it into their mouths in confusion, then showed expressions of surprise. It was really delicious. The key was that it was given to them by outsiders. Outsiders usually didn't like them, but these people seemed different.

Ant and Feng Wen smiled and asked others, "Isn't it tasty?"

The group of children nodded eagerly, including those who hadn't started eating yet, also nodding. It's unclear how they knew the taste.

"We have plenty of delicious things in our Crimson Great City, like the claws of the Chicken bird," they chatted.

A child from the Devouring Blood Tribe actually said, "The Chicken bird's claws have no meat." After saying this, he quickly covered his mouth, afraid of scaring away the outsiders, being very cautious.

Ant and Feng Wen said, "It's really delicious. If you don't believe it, ask Hong."

Hong nodded. Often, students from the Crimson Great City would secretly bring the Chicken bird's claws from home to eat at school. He had tried some too. There wasn't much meat, but the more you chewed, the more flavorful it became, and they didn't know how it was made.

The group of children scratched their heads. Clearly, there's no meat, so how could it be delicious?

Ant and Feng Wen said, "Next time when merchants from the Devouring Blood Tribe come to the market in Crimson Great City, we'll give them some Chicken bird's claws and have them bring them back for you."

Unconsciously, a group of children gathered together and started chatting.

The children of the Devouring Blood Tribe were still a bit shy. Most of the time, the students were talking about things related to the Crimson Great City, but they listened very seriously, their eyes shining. Crimson Great City... was really nice.

"You can also follow your merchant caravan to Crimson Great City for fun. When the time comes, we'll invite you into the city to play."

The group of children from the Devouring Blood Tribe were all stunned, their mouths open. Were they being invited? Blinking their eyes, they couldn't react.

Before, let alone being invited, no one was willing to talk to them, treating them as if they were some terrifying presence.

When the students arrived at the Devouring Blood Tribe, it was almost dusk, and after this commotion, the sky was already darkening.

The firelight rose from the Devouring Blood Tribe's territory, illuminating the entire area.

The adults were busy roasting meat. It had been a long time since the Tribe had been so lively.

Someone had already come to take the students over.

Looking at the burning bonfire, the students were also stunned. The people of the Devouring Blood Tribe were so enthusiastic.

Bonfires like this were only lit for major celebrations within the Tribe.

A kind of pale and tender animal was being roasted on the bonfire, with four hooves, an onion-like nose, and a curly tail. They had never seen it before.

Yin Huo looked at the animal roasting on the bonfire, and couldn't help but be stunned.

Then he approached to take a look, then stepped back to take another look, and then looked at the large bucket of blood placed next to the animal when it was killed.

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