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Chapter 105: Beginning of Spring in the Twenty-Four Solar Terms

When the Coffin-Bearing Tribe's Lingcui rushed over, he happened to charge into a burst of blood mist.

Within that blood mist, accompanied by a series of "rumbling" sounds, several blood-red coffins rose from the ground, blocking Lingcui and his giant white-haired monster in front.

In the twenty-four solar terms, it was the technique of the Qingming Tribe, the Qingming Blood Coffin.

"In terms of playing with death and playing with coffins, your Coffin-Bearing Tribe is nothing but thieves. Now you dare to flaunt yourselves in front of me." The voice of Hong, dripping with fresh blood hanging from the tree, came with a heavy tone, seemingly hiding something else in the voice.

Normally, a marginal Tribe like the Blood-Devouring Tribe, even if they were remnants of the twenty-four solar terms, even if they were as powerful as Hong, wouldn't dare to provoke Red City recklessly. After all, the Blood-Devouring Tribe's population was dwindling, and it was impossible for them to confront Red City, with a huge disparity in overall strength.

But from the moment Hong saw the people of the Coffin-Bearing Tribe, it seemed that everyone was ridiculing and provoking them, which was unreasonable.

However, if it were an ancient Tribe passed down from the Three Great Cities era, it would seem normal.

Because one of the twenty-four solar terms, the Qingming Tribe, was previously known as the battlefield corpse collectors.

During the Three Great Cities era, when they conquered the world, countless warriors died in foreign lands, and the Qingming Tribe used their bloodlines to allow the dead to rise, return to their ancestral land, and rest in peace.

This was a very noble act, praised by all living beings on the earth, so the reputation of the Qingming Tribe on the earth was very good.

However, this reputation was interrupted.

Because someone used those resurrected corpses for evil deeds.

To defile the bodies of warriors who had died, one can imagine how much everyone hated it.

For a while, the reputation of the Qingming Tribe plummeted.

At first, the Qingming Tribe also thought it was the scum of their Tribe who had done something with the bodies of heroes. After all, the Qingming Tribe was a very large Tribe at that time, with a large population, and it was inevitable that a few of them had evil intentions. For a while, they didn't dare to speak loudly.

But as the investigation progressed, they actually discovered a very strange Tribe, a Tribe whose bloodline abilities were remarkably similar to theirs.

The key was that this Tribe even learned from those heroes resurrected with their bloodline power how to use these corpses to fight.

A thief, using the methods they had stolen to commit crimes everywhere, even blamed their Qingming Tribe for it.

The anger can be imagined. As one of the twenty-four solar terms, the Qingming Tribe was not easy to provoke, especially since the other party was just a small insignificant Tribe.

Later, the Coffin-Bearing Tribe was abandoned by all living beings on the earth, largely due to the retaliation of the Qingming Tribe.

According to reason, the Coffin-Bearing Tribe would soon disappear from the earth, but no one expected that the era of the Three Great Cities' unification would end just like that. Some of the twenty-four solar terms attached themselves to the fragmented five powers, while others fought alone, ultimately declining into marginal Tribes under the squeeze of the five major powers.

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