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Chapter 84: First Lesson

The students admitted to the school varied greatly in strength and age. Students like Fei Sha and Du Cang were exceptionally strong; they were considered the most talented individuals among the younger generation of the White Pupil Tribe. Remember, the White Pupil Tribe used to be a War Tribe.

It's estimated that within the academy, only the younger generations of the War Tribes from the Crimson Great City and the White Great City could match their strength.

Zhuang Yu thought for a moment. In terms of combat, he would need to bring out the elders of the Four Seasons War Tribe to teach students like them.

However, although all the students varied in strength, they had one thing in common: their cultural foundation was zero, which made it convenient for Zhuang Yu to teach.

When Fei Sha and Du Cang put on their backpacks, Zhuang Yu couldn't help but feel a bit surprised. If they changed into another set of clothes, they would look like typical non-mainstream high school students.

The students were gradually led into the school.

As soon as they entered the school, they felt a difference, as if they had stepped into another world, even though it was just a wall away.

Firstly, there was a change in temperature. Outside, the sun was scorching, but inside the school, they were immediately under the shade of trees, sheltered from the sun's rays.

The change in temperature caused by blocking out the sun was actually quite significant.

"It's so cool." Many students silently exclaimed.

Looking up, they saw layers of leaves and... pear blossoms covering the trees.

There was a faint scent of pear blossoms in the air.

Unbeknownst to them, as they looked up at the trees, a large peacock on one of the branches also watched them curiously.

From now on, they would be studying under this giant towering tree? It seemed quite nice.

Then, at their feet, they first stepped onto the outer circle of the playground, which was the running track, almost identical to modern school tracks, complete with markings.

"What is this?" They didn't understand, but walking on it always gave them a strange feeling.

In fact, this was the atmosphere of the school, all coming at them head-on.

Then, they saw rows of small buildings with white tiled exteriors, which they had never seen before. They were so beautiful that it was hard to take their eyes off them.

The moment they stepped into the school, they stopped in their tracks. All their attention was drawn to these novel things.

Their reaction was actually quite normal. When anyone arrives in an unfamiliar place, the first thing they do is observe, not run around.

A group of students silently thought, "So, this is what a school looks like."

It turns out that a school is such a place.

After coming back to their senses, they continued forward. The flower beds planted along the sides of the track were lush, and they looked beautiful no matter how you looked at them.

Entering the inner circle of the playground, it was clearly grass, but it was trimmed to be incredibly neat.

They had seen grass before, but it was always messy, nothing like this.

The children of the Golden Centipede Tribe led them to the dormitory.

Glancing at the student IDs on their chests, they said, "Your dorm room number is written on your student ID. The room corresponding to that number is where you will live..."

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