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Chapter 9: Daring to Show Off

The next day, Zhuang Yu woke up very early and started preparing the fish as soon as he got up. After eating the fish, they needed to go up the mountain to find more food because there was nothing else to eat at home except for this fish and a jar of pickled peppers.

This fish was similar to the fish they usually saw, but its scales were extremely tough, so tough that an ordinary knife couldn't cut through them. Fortunately, he didn't need to break through the scales; he just needed to remove them, and the flesh inside was still very tender.

He had prepared the fish last night, so he could start cooking it directly now.

He planned to make pickled pepper fish because it was the only ingredient they had, but it was perfect for removing the fishy smell.

Before long, the aroma of the fish filled the air. Little Mushroom hadn't even woken up yet, but like sleepwalking, it followed the scent with its eyes closed and came out. It was truly a foodie.

Feng Wen also woke up shortly after. He hid at the entrance of the cave, peeking outside. His brother was preparing delicious food again, and he wanted to help, but he was also a bit scared. The events from before made him fearful that he might not do well, and his brother would reject him again.

A child with a complex psychological activity. Well, after experiencing some things, one's thoughts would indeed change somewhat.

After Zhuang Yu finished cooking the fish, he divided it into three bowls, and the fragrance spread everywhere.

Little Mushroom immediately ran to the largest bowl and started blowing on it to cool it down. Zhuang Yu ignored it. Although it was small, it had a big personality; it would go to its own small bowl later.

This pickled pepper fish was different from the grilled mushrooms before. It had soup and couldn't be eaten with hands. Zhuang Yu prepared three pairs of chopsticks, handed one pair to Feng Wen who had his head down, feeling inferior, then gave a pair of specially made small chopsticks to Little Mushroom, and started eating himself.

Little Mushroom looked on in amazement. It was so exquisite. It used to eat with its hands, but as the most handsome little guy in the mountains, it had to learn.

Feng Wen also carefully tried to use the chopsticks to pick up the fish from the bowl, but he couldn't manage it no matter how hard he tried.

Zhuang Yu began to teach Feng Wen how to use chopsticks. Feng Wen kept his head down, tears in his eyes. Was he too stupid? Would his brother dislike him? However, as he watched Zhuang Yu patiently teaching him, a small dimple appeared on Feng Wen's face. He must learn well and not let his brother down.

With a fish weighing five or six catties, it was enough for two people and a mushroom to eat. Zhuang Yu sliced the fish into pieces, which were very tender.

As for Feng Wen, well, he had never eaten such delicious fish before, and Little Mushroom was the same. They were both stunned by the taste. Wow, it was even better than its brothers.

The two of them and Little Mushroom finished all the soup, rubbed their stomachs, exchanged smiles, feeling really comfortable. Even Feng Wen couldn't help but smile secretly. It was really good to have a brother.

After breakfast, as the sky began to brighten, Zhuang Yu took Feng Wen and Little Mushroom to the mountain.

However, when passing through the tribal land, they unexpectedly encountered people who were up even earlier than them.

It was a group of teenagers riding giant beasts, practicing with stone spears in the tribal land. They would ride the giant beasts and stab their spears at targets while sprinting.

Being able to stand steadily on the giant beasts and stab the spears while the beasts were running wasn't something innate; it required continuous practice from childhood.

Zhuang Yu saw these teenagers from the Golden Centipede Tribe practicing, falling off the backs of the beasts, and no one cared whether they were hurt. If they couldn't stand steady now, they would become prey for wild beasts during hunting in the future.

Of course, not all of them were practicing sprinting; there was also a group of teenagers wielding stone axes to split rocks, real rock-splitting. Large pieces of rocks were split into smooth surfaces one after another, indicating how strong these teenagers were.

Standing in front of these teenagers, the one training them was Shao Hao. Shao Hao patrolled with a three-meter-long stone spear, standing tall and straight.

One could imagine how heavy a three-meter-long stone spear was. Zhuang Yu felt he probably couldn't even lift it, but Shao Hao was carrying it as if it were nothing.

Zhuang Yu glanced at the teenagers splitting rocks, then at Shao Hao's arms. He probably knew how this person's Herculean Arm was trained.

Zhuang Yu and Shao Hao had already clarified that they were strangers, so he didn't feel it was appropriate to greet him. They bypassed the training people and headed towards the mountain.

But at this time, besides the teenagers training, they stood out too much.

A group of teenagers raised their heads arrogantly. They were the future warriors riding giant beasts. They would hunt for food for the Tribe and shoulder the future of the Tribe. They were different from those who didn't have giant beasts and only went out to collect berries.

Little Mushroom looked at them in surprise. Oh my, were they showing off? Incredible, incredible.

Little Mushroom ran up to Zhuang Yu, bending over and waving its little hands vigorously at Zhuang Yu, urging him to step on its back quickly so it could charge forward with him. Let's show off in front of them. How dare they show off in front of it!

Zhuang Yu looked at Little Mushroom's small figure. Did it want to become mushroom sauce?

Zhuang Yu and the others began to climb the mountain. Of course, Shao Hao also noticed Zhuang Yu and them. Perhaps for the same reason, he didn't greet them either. Shao Hao frowned slightly as he looked at the group of teenagers who were proudly showing off from the bottom of their hearts and shouted loudly, "Double the training for today."

There was a wail. What was wrong with the Young Chieftain? They used to behave like this too, and they didn't get punished. As giant beast warriors, it was something worthy of pride for everyone. They were just proud for a moment.

As Zhuang Yu and the others climbed the mountain, Little Mushroom was huffing and puffing. It was dissatisfied that it didn't get to show off just now and felt somewhat indignant.

But it quickly ran up the mountain with enthusiasm. It was more important to go see its brothers now. Its brothers were so delicious.

Under Little Mushroom's leadership, Zhuang Yu collected a lot of mushrooms again, and even Feng Wen's beast skin skirt pocketed quite a few.

However, there was a problem. These mushrooms looked dry and were almost withered. In other words, they might not have any mushrooms to collect in the future.

Zhuang Yu also felt a bit worried. After today, they wouldn't have mushrooms to eat anymore. Where else could they find food? But suddenly, Zhuang Yu's eyes lit up. If they walked a bit farther today, because the nearby mushrooms had already been collected by him, there was a vast expanse of greenery ahead that caught Zhuang Yu's eye. It was a bamboo forest.

Zhuang Yu excitedly ran over and indeed found fresh bamboo shoots on the ground, probably grown after the recent heavy rain, and there were plenty of them. Zhuang Yu couldn't move, his eyes shining brightly as he worried about where to find food for their next meal. Little Mushroom looked puzzled, wondering why they had stopped when there were still many of its siblings ahead to visit. Zhuang Yu had already started digging bamboo shoots.

So Little Mushroom saw Zhuang Yu nibbling on tree bark, thinking these bamboo shoots were also tree bark. Puzzled, it ran over and took a bite, but there was no taste, just a strong earthy smell. Zhuang Yu happily dug up many bamboo shoots until both his and Feng Wen's fur couldn't hold any more. Today's harvest was really good. The key was they could come back to dig bamboo shoots next time. At least they had food for the next few days, so they didn't have to worry about starving.

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