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Chapter 3 Cultivating a Chili Pepper Field

Zhuang Yu woke up to the second day, the sunlight shining in, making him look a bit lazy.

As he was about to get out of bed, he glanced over and was stunned. Beside him, there lay a strange creature, its short limbs kicking and scratching in the air as if it were having some bizarre dream.

Wasn't this the same exceptionally clever little mushroom from yesterday?

Zhuang Yu's movement seemed to affect the strange creature, and the little mushroom groggily opened its eyes.

Then... it let out a frantic scream, rolled around, clutched its head, and ran outside.

Zhuang Yu found it amusing but didn't pay much attention. Based on their two encounters, although he didn't know what species this little mushroom was, it probably wasn't dangerous.

Getting out of bed, even though he had slept, his body still felt unusually weak. He knew it was because he hadn't eaten enough.

The most pressing issue now was to solve the food problem. But judging from the situation of the entire Golden Centipede Tribe, this probably wouldn't be easy.

He could only take it one step at a time.

Speaking of food, Zhuang Yu picked up a chili pepper from the side, the same one the little mushroom had thrown to him yesterday.

Although this chili pepper couldn't be eaten directly, it still had its uses.

He found a clean shell and separated the chili pepper seeds. Outside his cave was flat ground, with quite a bit of area, perfect for cultivating a patch of land.

Having arrived in this unknown world, everything had to start from scratch. To survive, he had to plan for the long term and cover all bases. Planting some chili peppers might come in handy in the future.

Thinking this way, Zhuang Yu took the chili pepper seeds and walked outside. Outside the cave, there were several large shells arranged, filled with rainwater collected yesterday. Perhaps this was the way people here stored water?

Zhuang Yu found a wooden stick and began to till the soil.

Because of the small number of chili pepper seeds, he stopped after tilling a small piece of land, sowed the chili pepper seeds, and covered them with a thin layer of soil.

Given the current weather, if he was lucky, they should sprout soon.

After doing all this, Zhuang Yu began to wash off the mud from his hands.

Speaking of washing up, he couldn't help but complain about the perverse taste of the original owner of this body, who had dirty patterns painted on it with some unknown substance. Perhaps this was the fashion among the people here?

Luckily, he had washed his body clean in the rain yesterday, feeling refreshing.

Zhuang Yu washed himself, but why were there still some patterns on his body that hadn't been washed off?

Yesterday, he was too tired to look carefully.

Just as he was about to wash again, Zhuang Yu, looking at the patterns on his body, was stunned. "This is..."

The patterns on his body were of giant beasts, accompanied by familiar Chinese characters.

"Isn't this the content from my 'Dao Zang'?" How did it end up on my body?"

What was going on?

Zhuang Yu was a little confused. His arrival in this world was already very unimaginable, but he didn't expect his book to come along in this way.

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