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Chapter 56: Hand-operated Bellows

At night, the entire Crimson Great City suddenly lit up with some spots of light, one after another, spreading throughout the ancient city.

Someone standing on a high place suddenly exclaimed, "Hmm."

The people nearby thought something had happened and nervously asked, "What's wrong?"

That person swallowed nervously, "You'll know when you come up here."

Upon hearing this, everyone was momentarily stunned, wondering what the mystery was all about.

Walking up to the high place and looking down, they were immediately amazed.

At this moment, describing Crimson Great City with "a city of ten thousand lights" was not an exaggeration at all. It was like a scattered array of stars, never seen before in such splendor in Crimson Great City.

This was just a corner of Crimson Great City; there were still many other places, where people also discovered the changes in Crimson Great City at night.

Before, it was all pitch black.

"It's so beautiful," countless people sighed.

Even the most boring night patrol became much more spirited. They felt like they wouldn't feel bored even after watching all night.

Night scenery, especially with lights, was truly captivating.

Countless people were mesmerized by this beauty.

The next day, when Zhuang Yu sent a group of children to practice, all along the way, he heard people discussing how magical and beautiful last night was.

It seemed that many people must have stayed up late last night. Who knew how many people would climb onto their rooftops tonight.

After Zhuang Yu finished escorting the children, he went to find the people of the Ghost Willow Tribe again. This time, it wasn't to make water wheels or stoves, but to prepare to make a pot for every household in Crimson Great City.

There was still plenty of clay left, so Zhuang Yu began to teach the people of the Ghost Willow Tribe how to mold pots.

But to his surprise, while a group of women did a decent job at molding, whenever the men tried, they would occasionally mess up and ruin the pot.

Zhuang Yu was taken aback. It was almost like when he was teaching the people of White Great City to mold clay embryos on Mount Tong.

After thinking for a while, Zhuang Yu decided to rearrange things for the men of the Ghost Willow Tribe and have them dig kilns instead, so they could fire the pottery later.

There weren't enough clay pots molded by the women of the Ghost Willow Tribe alone.

Zhuang Yu decided to call upon Aunt Chuncha and bring over the older women who couldn't go out.

These old women were overjoyed. Before, they stayed in Crimson Great City but couldn't do anything for the people of Crimson Great City, not even go out to gather firewood, which made them really sad.

Now, Shao Jun had found something for them to do, so how could they not be happy?

They didn't have the strength they had when they were young, but molding clay embryos was just right for them.

After a while, the old women molded pots even better than the young women, laughing so much their toothless mouths couldn't close.

Making pottery emphasizes curvature and smoothness. Without patience, it's hard to do it well. Even if you manage to mold a pot, it would probably be uneven.

Infrastructure Craze (BL) (Full English Translation)Where stories live. Discover now