The Wolf and the Snake

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Announcer: Now it's time for the match that means nothing but e have been forced to humour the rebel team this day will consist of a single card

The boy with silver eyes that pierce your soul wielding a blade that can cut through anything the one so defeated the 4th seat legitimately or not we have Ren Dojima, on the other side we have the number 2 seat the girl whose trained in the pits of hell and emerged as the queen of beasts we have Rindo kobayashi

Both of their glare at each other people could swear they saw a wolf and a snake standing behind them

Ren: Well then I've been waiting for this

Rindo: gotta say it's gonna be fun crushing you and then moving into your last two teammates

Ren: Heh bring it Snake girl

Rindo: sure thing wolf boy

Announcer, now it's time to choose the theme!

Ren grabs one and shows the theme


Central cheers

Announcer: Yes! We have chef Rindo's speciality we will see what the number two seat can do at her best

Megumi: oh no Ren he's in trouble

Soma: really doesn't look too bad to me

Ren is twitching

Alice: yeah he's excited he finally gets to show off a part of him he's been hiding

Ryo: the girl isn't the only one who can cook crazy food

Akira: what?

Erina: yeah what are you talking about

Ryo: you'll see

The two rush off to get their ingredients

Erina: so why does Ren stand a chance

Soma: I would tell ya but I think we'll wait for Ren to show off to tell you all about that

Alice: that sounds like a lot more fun

Ryo: can't wait for it

Announcer: And the chefs have returned wait

Ren first of all doesn't have his hair tied up but he's also carrying a big pack on his bag

Rindo: oooh what's in there

Ren: just wait and see

Announcer: Alright you've got two hours LET THE COOKING BEGIN

Rindo dives into her ingredients and takes out a massive snake

Yuki: she's using snake meat!

Ryoko: I guess she really is going all out

Ren: Alright everyone get ready! BECAUSE THIS IS MY TRUE SPECIALTY

this shocks everyone

Akira: wait what this is his speciality

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